I'll be there for you through it all

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Ray’s POV

I went over to Mikey and poked him gently, I know he has had a hard time of it these past few days, but we had a gig to play in 2 hours and I knew he would regret it if we had to get Matt Cortez to play for him.

His eyes fluttered open and he stared at me, then his watch and understood why I woke him up.

I am usually the most organised in the bus, but today I have no idea who is going to step in for Gerard, why Gerard isn’t playing or anything, I just know he won’t be playing this gig. I decided to ring a few people and see who can step in for him.

After ringing 15 people I had 3 options. I sing, our mate Pete sings or we cancel the gig. Calling the guys through here we had to make a decision, and I knew cancelling would be out of the options, no-one here likes cancelling our gigs.

“So Ray what‘s up”
“As you all know Gerard will not be singing in tonight‘s show, so we have 3 options, I sing, Pete sings or we cancel, what will it be”
“No cancelling” they all said in unison.
I nodded, I didn’t want to cancel either, I loved getting out on stage and playing gigs, and tonight’s was the last one of the black parade tour.

“So who will sing then”
“Well Pete isn‘t too good and doesn’t know any of the songs” Bob stated, Mikey and Frank both agreed.

“So its up to you if you can play and sing, and if you want to do it.” said Mikey quietly.
“I can but I will need to speak to Gerard first.”

With that I stood up from the couch and walked into the recording area of the bus, its always quite in here, and I needed silence to ring Gerard.

Ring ring ring ring

“Hello Ray”
“Hey Gee man, just wondering tonight with our last gig, your not playing are you?”
“No why”
“well no-one wants to cancel so I thought id step in and sing, would you mind”
“are you trying to replace me”
“No of course not Gerard, just none of us want to cancel and Pete doesn‘t know our songs.”
“Well I suppose you have no choice then, do a good job man”

With that Gerard hung up and I stayed sat on the black leather sofa. Thinking. I get nervous just playing guitar, but afterwards I always feel the energy and adrenaline pump through me, I hope I can do this, it’s a big thing covering for Gerard.

I got my phone out of my pocket and texted the others, I know they are only next door but I need time to think.

The texts read Hey guys Gerard agreed so I will be singing tonight.x

With that Frank came through the door and sat next to me, just looking at me and no saying anything. Ten minutes later I heard him speak.

“Hey Ray I know it is a big thing you are doing tonight and all us guys are proud of you, this show wouldn‘t be happening if it wasn‘t for you. Good luck.”
“Oh and Ray, do you know what is going on with the others, Mikey and Bob have been acting off all week” he carried on.
“Nope I am as clueless as you sorry Frankie”

Frank walked out leaving me to my thoughts again, I knew something was wrong with Mikey and Bob, but I thought only I could spot it but obviously not, I really need to know what is going on and so does Frank, we hate being left in the dark especially seeing as Mikey and Bob are our best mates.

After The Show.

Frank’s POV

Tonight’s show was fucking awesome, the best one yet. It is a real shame that Gerard couldn’t make it, no-one will tell Ray and I why but I am sure they will in time.

I am so pumped on adrenaline that all my depressed feelings from the past few days are going away, only to come back tomorrow. I am going to go back to the bus with Bob and get hammered.

Once in the bus I got Bob’s bottle of vodka and downed it, all of it, the taste didn’t bother me after a few swags and so I carried on, but then looking at the bottle and realising it was all gone I panicked, Bob will kill me when he finds out that its all gone, we were going to get drunk together. Oops.

On that note, with too much alcohol I lay on the couch watching the Simpson’s and laughing my head of at everything.
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Sorry it is short and sorry it took so long, i had a deadline for my coursework.