Status: Being re-written. Check chapter summaries to see which chapters have been done.


Flashbacks and tears

A/N: This is FICTIONAL, the flashbacks are NOT real, so don't go leaving me comments saying that Billie and Mike met in school ECT... okay? Good: D now, Read on...

Billie Joe woke up with his hair sticking to his face and eyeliner everywhere. He didn't ever remember falling asleep. He shifted and looked around the room. Tre had fallen asleep with one arm on the table. The room was silent apart from the steady rhythm of the machines keeping Mike alive.

Billie turned to look at Mike and his heart sank even lower, the bruises were more obvious now. Billie closed his eyes and remembered a time, a time so long ago, yet he could remember every detail;

Billie's POV Flashback:

I was playing in the park on my own again. Nobody really talked to me, but I didn't mind. Sometimes I got lonely, but hey, no biggie.

Suddenly a shadow fell on me, I looked up.

"Hey!" said the owner of the shadow, who had floppy blond hair, bright blue eyes and a cheesy grin, which I returned with one of my own.

"Hi" I replied

"Whatcha doing?" he asked

"Nothing" I replied looking up at the kid who was had now tilted his head and looked confused, I laughed at this and he smiled

"Wanna go play?" he asked

"Sure" I grinned getting up

"I'm Michael... but I only get called that if I'm in trouble... so unless you get mad at me, call me Mike"

"Billie Joe" I giggled

End flashback but still Billie POV

a tear fell from my eye as I remembered that day, and the row I got of my mom and Dad when I came home late, muddy and with ripped clothes, but then I told them that I made a friend and they forgot about giving me a row and just asked me about Mike.

A week after telling each other our names I already called him Mikey and he called me BJ...

I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard Tre wake up.