Status: Being re-written. Check chapter summaries to see which chapters have been done.


A Living Nightmare

"Damn" mumbled Tre. " I was hoping it was just a bad dream," he added as he looked at Mike.

I nodded, knowing what he meant.

"When are we expecting everyone to turn up?" asked Tre as he rubbed his eyes

"No idea, they said they were catching the next flight, whenever that is," I replied surprised at how tired my voice sounded.

Tre nodded, "Yeah, there will probably be delays and shit cause of the terror attacks."

I nodded again and an awkward silence fell on the room. My eyes scanned Mike's limp body and a sudden thought sprung to mind.

"The last thing I said to Mike before all this was 'you asshole'," I whispered.

Tre's eyes widened and his mouth opened and closed. Finally he spoke,

"The last thing I said to Mike was calling him a wreck..." said Tre sadly.

"We were assholes,"I spat

"Yeah, too true," frowned Tre

"Remember when it was just playing for the fun of it? Beer, Friends, Parties, drugs, touring in a book mobile!?! Before albums and charts and record sales mattered..."I asked, my voice sounded far away as I thought of the good old days, just Me, Mikey, Tre, Al and Jason.

Tre smiled and nodded, his eyes showed that he too, was remembering the past.

I jumped as my phone vibrated, signaling a text message.

I pulled it out and opened the message, it read:

Just got 2 airport, no planes though, we trying hardest, txt u with more info l8er, thought it was better 2 txt cause it not so noisy, didn't want Ramones going off in a hospital ward! See you XXX 80 XXX

I sighed, and showed the text to Tre, he bit his lip.

A nurse came in and looked at Mike's clipboard; she nodded, checked the machines, gave a solemn look and walked back out. I noticed Tre falling back asleep, before I knew it my eyes grew heavy and soon the darkness engulfed me.

When I opened my eyes I was standing in a graveyard in night time, there was nobody around and I panicked. For some reason I felt like something was chasing me. I started running but then I heard footsteps behind me, not daring to look back I ran more rapidly.

I could feel the damp air against my skin, my breath was becoming louder and I was sweating like mad.

The thing that was chasing me was getting nearer, I could sense it I tripped over a lose rock and went head first in to the wet grass. The dew was cold against my skin. As I looked up I Saw My worst Nightmare!

A grey headstone lay in front of me, flowers lay on the ground. The writing read:

Michael Ryan Pritchard
May 4th 1972 - September 21st 2007
Loving Father, Best friend and Fiancé.
He will be greatly missed.
"It's no use analyzing your life the whole time. Those analyses won't help you when you're dead."

I felt my chest go tight, my breath caught in my body, not able to let more in.
Suddenly a voice came from behind me; I turned around, faced with darkness.

"He's gone, gone forever!You will never see him again. EVER!

He's gone and it's your entire fault! You made him walk out! You didn't deserve him; he was way too good to you! But what a way to repay him! Killing him!"

I shook my head, "no, no NO!"

"Yes! The very last thing you said to him was calling him an asshole!"

I felt the hot tears falling down my cheeks


My eyes snapped open and I was faced with the familiar white room of the ward. I had tears rolling down my face and I was sweating and I was out of breath.

I looked around, Tre wasn't awake...Mike was still there, the machines telling me he was in fact alive and everything had just been a nightmare.

Although this was still a living nightmare...we still had some hope.

"Wake up Mike...Please?" I begged him.