Status: Being re-written. Check chapter summaries to see which chapters have been done.


Cramp, Planes and Overcrowded Taxis

Disclaimer: Not real, entirely made up!
A/N: Sorry It's kind of short but I wrote it in school.

Adie's POV

I had cramp; I was hungry and filled with worry. The kids had fallen asleep leaving me to talk to Claudia. She and Ramona had come over to visit everyone, only to find that the guys where actually in New York.

We had caught the first plane to New York, which happened to be an old cramped plane that looked like it was going to fall apart if you kicked it. Through the flight all I could think off was Estelle seeing her father in such a state, that kid was just like her dad, and being smart was just one of the things she had inherited off him.

The pilots cracked voice came over the speaker telling us that we were nearly at the runway and to put our seatbelts on, tray's away ECT...

We had gotten through the server customs and fed the kids. Now we were waiting in the cold for a taxi. One drove up to us and said he could take us if we didn't mind being cramped. So me, Claudia, Ollie, Jake, Joey, Ramona and Estelle all piled in this dirty car and sped off to the hospital. I got my cell phone and rang Billie to tell him we were on our way.

Billie POV

I was sitting on a brick wall having a cigarette when my phone rang. I flipped it open and put my cigarette out.


There was a buzz of voices in the background but I soon heard my wife's.

"Billie, were in a taxi on our way now. In fact we can see the hospital from here.

As she said this, a taxi sped around a corner and pulled to a stop. I hung up and started walking towards it as the door opened and my Mom, Adie, Claudia and the kids stepped out. Adie waved at me and ran over pulling me into a hug, we stayed like that for a while until I felt a small tug at my pants. I looked down and saw big blue eye's staring at me.

"Uncle Billie, is my Daddy okay?" Stella sniffed

I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I didn't know. So I just said,
"We'll go see shall we?"

I love Tre and Mike's children like my own. We spend so much time with them that you just have to love them. I looked at Stella. Her bright blue eyes were filled with worry that an 8 year old just shouldn't have. Her curly hair was hanging over her shoulders and her fingernails were chewed. It was going to break her heart to see her Dad.