Status: Being re-written. Check chapter summaries to see which chapters have been done.



Mike POV

I felt so weak, I found that in comas, you can't sleep. How sad! Suddenly I heard a big comotion and I recognised Adie's voice, and Hero... Hero was crying! Shit! I can't comfort her! I can't wake up, why?!?

I began panicing and suddenly felt very very tired, almost like I was drifting off to sleep, I knew it couldn't be good because the beeping was getting faster, yet quieter, everyone was shouting but their voices seemed distant and far away and then... nothing. Just a bright light.

Was I dead or what?

I heard a voice, then Jason Relva's face came into view.


"Hey Mikey, long time no see!"

I could not believe this... I think i'm dead

"Am I dead?"

Jason shrugged "for the time being, yep"

"wait my daughter! the band what about Billie and Tre!"

"Chill, you still may live! Oh by the way you owe me ten bucks!"

"What... how?"

"Remember? We bet on if the band was going to be big?"

I laughed, faintly remembering the sunny day we spent lounging around in the very car that killed Jason. We parked up outside Billie's and we made the bet...

"jeeze... that was so long ago... I missed you Jas"

"Yeah I missed you too kid." Jason smiled sadly and pulled me into a tight embrace. He still smelt the same, and the familier smell of peppermint mouthwash, smoke and some terrible cologne he insisted on wearing, brought tears to my eyes.

When he let go he looked blurry.

"It's not your time Mikey!"

"What, no don't leave me again Jas!"

"I never left you, I'm always looking out for you, remember that!"

I could hardly see him now


"Gotta Live it up while life goes on Mikey Boy"

and then he was gone, just like that.