An Abused Beauty's Way to Happiness

My Hospital Stay

I saw Jennifer come into the small hospital room.

''Oh, Aida! How are you? Are you okay?'' She came over an gave me a hug. ''Are you able to move your arms and legs?''

''Yeah.'' I wiggled my fingers and toes. Pain shot through my back. ''See?!'' I smiled.

''Yeah, I see.'' She smiled a weak smile. ''Bryce is on his way. I called him after the surgery.''

''Uh, what was wrong?'' The best thing about right now? The fact that Jennifer is a surgeon, and she was the one who operated on me, I guess. The paramedics started preparing me for surgery as soon as I got in the ambulance. A few minutes before we got to the hospital, they put me under anasthesia and I was rushed into the OR. And Jennifer was my surgeon. That's what the doctor who was here when I woke up said.

''One of your, uh, spinal discs was out of place and, uh, cracked.''

''Uh, what'd you do to fix it?''

''We had to put it back in place and put rods in the damaged disc and the two on either sides of it. Then, for the crack, we used screws. You'll be in pain for a while, so you'll have to take prescription painkillers.''

''How long?''

''A few weeks, and you'll have to have a few physical therapy sessions and make sure there's nothing wrong.''

''You mean you might've ruined my back?'' She smiled.

''No, of course not. But, like any other back surgery, it was high risk.''

''That sucks.''

''Yeah, it always does. A friend of mine said that we should talk to you about trust. She said that it is awkward that you didn't tell anyone about it and kept it to yourself. Your arms were numb because you pinched a nerve some time during school today. You could've been paralyzed. Things like that need to be told.''

''I'm sorry. But, it's not my fault. My dad would've literally killed me if I went to the hospital. I had to work to pay the bills and his alcohol.''

''Okay. But, I know this is... awkward and maybe cliche, but, as your guardian, I need to know if anything is ever wrong. So just tell me. That's my job. And, what makes it more important is that you know we're adopting you.''

''Yeah. I'm sorry. I just felt like it was my fault. I didn't know it was this serious.''

''It's not your fault.''

''When am I going back to school?''

''It depends on how well you're doing. The soonest you'll be back to school would probably be Monday or Tuesday. But, it depends, like I said on how you're doing and if you respond to treatment.'' He pager went off. ''I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'll be back up after I'm done working. Bye.''


To be honest, I wasn't that sad that she had to go back to work. I WAS sad that I was alone in the hospital room. That's the only thing hard about moving for me. Right now, I could have almost anything I want, and the only thing I'm lacking is social skills and friends. I have my own room, my own computer, things I would never have dreamt of back in North Dakota. But, I'm fine. I'm happy. I was never depressed or anything because back then, I always listened to my parents. They were strict, but not overly strict. It all changed when Mom died, though. After she died, there were no rules except come straight home after school, then go to work. I didn't mind it. I worked at Starbucks, and got free coffee and sometimes my co-workers would buy me food, but only when I asked. We didn't have a car, sol I walked about a mile (trips combined) every day to school and back. I didn' mind it, though... Just cold... Really, really cold.

I drifted my thoughts from my life to Andrew.... He was cute. He had black, short, curly hair... Cute. Braces...

Okay. You can stop now, Aida. Don't be a stalker...

But, just because I think he's cute doesn't mean I'm a stalker..... Does it? He's... very attractive. Why am I thinking about this after I just had back surgery? I am so odd! Humorable. That's what I am. I smiled and closed my eyes. I don't know how through the pain, but I dozed off to sleep.

''Honey? Aida? Are you awake?'' I mumbled a ''What?'' and kept my eyes closed. I heard Jennifer laugh. ''Are you hungry?''

''Yesh.'' I opened my eyes, but only half way. I felt drowsy... Must be the drip. Or the painkillers. They might make you goofy. Morphine, maybe? ''What are the doctors giving me for pain?''

''Morphine, why?''

''Just wondering. What are we having to eat?''

''It depends on what you want. Do you want something from here, or a restaurant, or what?''

''I want something sweet. Can you go to K-Mart or somewhere like that and get me a few packages of cookies and donuts, and stuff like that?''

''Aida? Is that healthy? Do you always eat like that?''

''No. But, would one time hurt? I'm you daughter, and I just had a risky surgery. And I'm hungry.''

''I'll get you a main meal, then some cookies, or donuts, or something like that.'' I smiled.


''What do you want?''

''Uh... A salad.''

''Okay. Is that it?''

''Yeah. No peppers or onions. Nothing like that. Maybe some cucumbers, a tomato or two...''

''Bossy aren't you?'' She said, laughing. I smiled.

''Well, being spoiled has taken me over in the past week. I don't remember it being like this with a mom. What are you having?''

''I already ate. When I got up here to ask you, I saw you were sleeping, so I went back down and got something to eat real quick.''

''Oh. Are you gonna stay here with me while I eat?''

''Yeah. But, when you go back to sleep, I'll have to go.''

''You don't have to wait for me to fall asleep. You can leave when you want.''

''And I want to leave when you fall asleep.'' I smiled. ''Okay, I better get going.''

''Okay.'' She got up and went out the door. ''Get something good! Don't forget!'' I yelled after her. I heard her say something, but I couldn't understand it. I smiled, and looked around me, which, hurt my back, because I had to turn around. The bed was against a wall with only a painted picture of a lake and flowers. It was pretty, but cliche. I looked to my right, and found IT: the remote. I live for it. Back home, we got three channels because we didn't have cable or Dish, or anything like that. I turned the TV on and flipped through the channels impatiently, looking for something that wasn't on a commercial break. I settled on The Hills.... Hilarious!!! The funniest, most pathetic thing ever!!!! I was continously smiling, and even laughed out loud until Jennifer got here.

''What are you laughing at?'' She said, laughing when she came in with bags in her hands. I pointed to the TV. ''Aida? How is that funny?''

''It's pathetic. They're terrible actors.''

''Aida! They aren't actors.''

''Oh... Really? Then, there's something wrong with these people.... They... need help.''

''That isn't very nice.''

''Come on, Jennifer. Do you really think it's real?''

''Well, they say it is.''

''No. Nuh-uh. Nadda. Fake.''

''Okay. Whatever you say. I got you your salad and donuts and cookies.'' I looked up at her with a big smile on my face. It must have been pretty big because she laughed. ''You're so funny.'' She handed me the bag of food.

''Really? That's, like, the first time someone ever told me that.''

''That must suck... I mean, that must not be good.''

''Jennifer, you're okay to talk like that. I always do.''

''It's a bad habit and I need to be a good role model or you.''

''You are a good role model.'' I opened the contaner that had the salad in it. ''I have habits that will never be broken... I just can't think of any right now...''

''Because you don't have any.''

I took a bite of my salad and answered after I swallowed. ''How do you know? I've been here for only a few days.''

''I know, but a person can learn about someone else really fast if they know what to look for and when to look for it.''

''Okay, tell me.''

''Tell you what?''

''What to look for and when!'' I took a bite of ym salad.

''I'll tell you later. It's hard. So, do you like any boys at your school?''

''You just changed the subject!'' I said, my mouth full and piting the fork at her in an accusing way.

''I think I found a bad habit. Maybe you aren't as perfect as I thought.'' I opened my mouth, which was free of lettuce, and made my eyes wide to mkae her think I was sad. I wasn't. ''I'm kidding, Aida.''

''So was I.''
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