An Abused Beauty's Way to Happiness

Run-in with Andrew

''Okay, so, can you bend your knees?'' Asked Courtney, my physcal therepist. I've been in this place for a few days now.... It's currently Sunday, and I'm going home tomorrow, and maybe school on Wednesday or Tuesday. But, for now, the closest to school I get is the unbelievably large amount of homework Jennifer picks up for me. So, that's what I do when I'm not watching TV, eating, or physical therapy. I hate it. The therapy. It's hell for me.. DON'T TELL ANYONE I SIAD THAT!!!! Back in North Dakota, no children that had parents swore. You respect them, no matter how they act.

I obeyed the the lady, and bent my knee.

''Good. The other one? Then we'll be done.'' I bent the other one. ''Okay. Good. It looks like you don't have any permanent damage, but your muscles might still be a little shocked. Especially your arms. But, they should get better in the next few days. Do you have any questions?''

''No.'' She went over and got me a wheelchair out of the closet. I can walk. It's just a precaution.

''Do you want me to take you to your room, or do you want to take yourself?''

''I'll take my self. My arms want to do something.'' I said, smiling.

''Okay. Are you sure?''

''Yeah.'' I started out the door. I turned to go to my room, and I saw some people coming up the hall. I didn't want to be around them because they looked kinda young, so I backed up into the physical therapy room.

''Hey, Aida!!!'' I heard as I got back in the room. Who the hell is it? I don't know anyone!!! And I really don't want to be seen because I'm in sweatpants and a short sleeved shirt. I look like a slob. Reluctanly, and curiously, I wheeled back into the hallway. ''Hey! How are you?'' It was Andrew.

''Uh... I'm in a hospital. That's probably never too good.''

''Duh. So, what was wrong? Or are you still playing? You haven't been in school since then.''

''Well, I guess you could say my back was broken. And a nerve was being pinched by the disc that was broken. That's why my arms were numb.''

''So, it really happened?''

''Yeah. It really happened. I wouldn't lie. I'm not sure about you, but I wasn't raised that way.''

''I wasn't raised that way, either.''

''Okay. So, why are YOU here?''

''My mom's sister is having a baby...'' I laughed. ''We're a close family.'' I saw him blush.

''There isn't anything wrong with having a close family. But, aren't you to young to be in a hospital room during birth?'' I siad to the girl in between Andrew and anothet guy.

''No. We're very close. My aunt and I.'' Tears started to sting my eyes.

''That isn't fair. I wasn't even aloowed to e in my mother's room when she died.''

''I feel bad for you.'' She said. ''Mommies are always the best to be with.'' I smiled.

''Yes.'' I bowed my head. ''Yes they are. What's you name?''

''Bethany. I'm Andrew and Robert's sister. Andy talks about you constantly. He says that he likes you because you got him out of school for the rest od the day.''

''Brat!'' Andrew hissed under hir breath, clearly embarrassed. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink to back up my guess. I laughed.

''It's okay. So, is that what people call you? Andy?''

''NO! Don't call me that.''

''Yeah, seriously. Don't. One time, we got in a fight about it, and Dad had to come in and break us apart. Andrew gave him a swift punch on the nose, thinking it was me. I'm Robert, by the way. Andrew's brother.''

''I'm Aida. Did he get in trouble?''

''No. We have nice parents.'' I saw Bryce and Jennifer walking down the hall.

''I have to go. Bryce and Jen are here. Bye. It was nice to meet you two.'' I said, wheeling past them.

''Bye.'' I heard two voices call.

''Hey, Aida! Guess what?''

''What?'' I said, confused by Bryce's enthusiasm. It was different because he doesn't like hospital.

''You get to go home early! You get to go home TODAY.''

''Really?'' I said, smiling. I don't like hospitals... at ALL. The people are nice, but home seems so much more welcoming.

''Yeah. In a few hours. We have to do some, well, a lot of paper work for you to be discharged since we aren't your biological parents and the adoption papers haven't come through yet.''

''Okay. So, are you going now, or are you gonna wait before you start?''

''We're going to do that now. We have to go to the top floor of the hospital, though. Do you want me to take you back to your room, or do you want to go by yourself?'' Jennifer asked, taking over Bryce's duty to talk.

''I can go. Go start the paper work. I want to leave.''

''Okay. We'll be back when we're done.''

''Okay. See ya later.'' I wheeled my self to my room and got in my bed. I'm tired of the wheel chair. I don't even need it! I can walk! Not very long, but I can!!! I turned the TV on and waited for Jennifer and Bryce to come back.
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