His heart finally stopped


She sat there in the chair, hands on the cold metal desk top, dried up blood underneath her fingernails. Across the table was another wooden chair, empty. When she looks around the room looked cold ; she felt no feelings, just a little smile dancing on her lips. Her cherry chocolate brown hair fell over her shoulders, curly. Her make up, perfect, dark and her lips crimson red, her legs crossed and her black heels of her shoes hitting her legs as her legs rocked back and forth. She took her hands off the desk and smoothed her little black dress and smiled and placed her hands back on the desk. She looked normal. She looked up and saw the mirror they thought would fool everyone thinking that they werent studying you from the other side of the transparent mirror. They watching her, and she knew the inspector would come in and ask her questions. Then she heard the door open, "Ah, right on que." she mumbled under her breathe.
The man sighed, and strached his forehead and threw down a bundle of pictures and looked at her. Her brown eyes flickered to the pictures but her head didn't move but a smile came across her face and she saw what the image was in the pictures. A murder scene. She looked back at the cop.
"Why?" he said.
"Well, Sir I have no idea what your talking about." Her voice was low, and her lips poutted and her eyes reached into him.
"Kelsey, you know what I'm talking about. Tim?"
She pretended to make her face looked shocked, and she got up, and sat on the table and crossed her legs, and reached back and got the pictures, she made her face look like she was confused.
"Hmm, no." She looked at the cop. "No, I don-- OH WAIT, Is this the fucker who takes little girls things that don't belong to him?"
The cop looked confused. "Wha--" Kelsey cut him off .
"OH, thats right. HIM! That scum bag in the camo shorts, Yeah..I remember him. Don't remember killing him though.."She threw the pictures on the floor. "Kids a pervert, to be completely honest, sweetheart. But, you and I both know, I'm not capable of such a brutal murder.. " She hoped off the desk and smiled. "Then again, I should never doubt myself, huh? AH, But I forgot..You know the guy who did it is in the other room." She smiled big, the other guy in the room sat crying, long curly hair . "Well, I hate to cut this short, darling, I just love our time, Honestly I do, but I have a party to get to. A big party to celebrate a death. Can't be late . " She showed her teeth and looked down at her nails and got a pout on. "Oh darn..My nails just look horrible, don't ya think?" She showed him her nails, filled with dried blood and blew a kiss and on her way out, she grabbed the pictures and left. As she walked outside she looked at the picture, tucked one into her bra, and started walking, one high heeled foot infront of the other, slowly, smiling and laughing and she threw the pictures into the air.

---------------------------------------SEVEN MONTHS AGO.-------------------------------------
She was wearing baggy pants and a baggy hoodie, all black. Her long cherry chocolate brown hair pulled back into a bun, a hat over it and her hoodie on top that. She had a black cloth pulled over her full red lips, but her eyes shown bright, dark make up all around it. The gun was in her hands but pressed to the temple of the driver. She was calm, the driver was crying.
"So, take me to this kid Tim." she said, big smile on, and she leaned in and pulled her cloth down and whispered in his ear, "and if you don't, you're blood will be in the car." She kissed his cheek and she leaned back in her chair. His long curly hair sticking to his cheek, his eyes damp. Kelsey laughed and pressed the gun closer. The car stopped and she knew she was here.
"Don't get up, I'll get my own door, you're such a gentleman." She got out of the car, but before leaving took the keys out of the ingintion. Kelsey walked around the car, looking at him through the windshield and opened his door and pulled him by his hair to the place where Tim was. She drug the kid all the way to where she saw tim sitting outside in his house, in the fimiliar nieghborhood where Kelsey used to visit her friends. Kelseys grip tightened around the gun in her hands as she kicked open the front door with her steel toe boots and she saw him there, watching fucking spongeboob. Kelsey threw the kid by his hair into the corner of the room and made a crash and Tim turned around.
"What the fu--"
Kelsey cut him off and hit him in the face.
"HI FUCKER, WAKE UP CALL! " and his head snapped to the side and she straddled him, pulling his hair back, forcing him to look at her and she pulled the cloth down and gave him a smile and talked to him and pointed the gun without looking to the frightened guy that was Tims friend in the corner.
"Hi, Tim. You don't know me, but I fucking know what you did to her."
"WHO?" He screamed.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH, I'M TALKING! " She screamed back and pulled his hair more.
"I know what you fucking did, you god damn piece of scum, and thats just not cool. You like stealing things away from little girls? That wasn't yours to take, she wasen't ready..And I wanna fucking know.." She took a deep breathe in and got off him, still holding his hair, and smiled. "..how the fuck you sleep at night. But don't worry, I'm gonna give you a permanent fucking sleep." She took him by the hair and threw him to the ground and gave him a couple kicks in the stomach and she leaned down to his face. " I'll make it easy for you, but nothing can make it easy for her. I'll make it so you don't have to fucking think in your god damn selfish head the nights she stays up because your fucking ugly ass is in her dreams. " BAM, another kick. " How she fucking wants to puke when she hears your name. " two more kicks "How you fucking fucked up her head." She stopped kicking and smiled at his face, and he moaned in pain. "Awh..whats the matter, not having fun? Smile for me, baby. I just wanna make sure your having a good time." She cocked her leg back, and kicked him in the face like his head was a ball. Kelsey looked at him and laughed while he was moaning in pain and his bestfriend was screaming. She looked at the friend and threw a gun at him and she looked at him seriously, and in a low, dark voice she said.
"I suggest you grab that, you spinless piece of shit and follow me. " Kelsey went in her pant pocket of the pants and grabbed another gun and she picked up Tim, Slinging him over her shoulder and walked. Walked to the tree house. She wanted to feel Tim break underneath her. His friend followed. Kelsey dumped him into the tree house on the floor and shoved his friend in front of him and pointed the gun at the back of his head.
"Shoot him, and I wont kill you. DO IT! "
One last cry from him and Tim was begging no, but he did it. BOOM. Kelsey grabbed his friends keys and threw them at him.
"Get the fuck outta here.."
He took off running, and Kelsey looked back and Tims dead body and she just kept thinking about how the precious girl will never be able to fucking sleep at night again without his face her mind.
Hey..his heart finally stopped.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mariahs gonna think I'm crazyyyy/