Her smile

Charlotte and Billie are caught up in a whirlwind romance. Neither one of them has ever felt this good, this in love, and they're both enjoying every second of it, savoring every moment. Yet, Billie feels this nagging doubt at the back of her mind, surely it can't last?

Unfortunately she's right. Family secrets and problems rise on both sides. Billie finds out she will have to overcome her one and only phobia to save someone's life and Charlotte will have to face both her father and an old flame.

Will their love survive this rough journey? Is it as strong as they believe it to be?

Billie Brookes || Charlotte Simmons || Gwen Stone || Evan Brody || Alyssa Dziena || Tyler Morgan
  1. Smiling
    Charlotte's first day at a new school and she's made quite the impression on Billie.
  2. Talking
    Charlotte and Billie get talking...
  3. Feeling
    They talk some more and Billie starts feeling something.
  4. Listening
    Billie misunderstands something she hears.