‹ Prequel: The Phoenix
Status: Active: very slow updates though. I write when i feel like it.


Nine - The Same Situation

The ringing phone tore her gaze away from the television. It was late, almost too late for someone to be calling. She immediately knew who it was. She quickly got up from the sofa and ran to answer the phone.

“Hello,” she said into the receiver.

“Hey babygirl!” a cheery voice said on the other end.

“Why hello James,” she replied smiling.

“Ugh! James was my dad,” He grimaced even though she couldn’t see it. “What have I told you about calling me that?”

“But it sounds so cute,” she insisted. “How are things in California?”

“It’s great! If I could find a job it could be better,” Jimmy mumbled.

She sighed knowing how hard it must be for him. He had such a good heart. It pained her to know that it was so difficult for anyone to even consider hiring him. This made what she had to tell him even harder.

When she had met him seven months ago he was manning the front desk at the police station. He looked stressed and overworked but he was still kind to her as he took her report. He promised her that he would work on her case and that’s exactly what he did. It took four months of investigation for to find them to find the man that attacked her. Most of the work Jimmy did himself.

After the bastard was put away, Jimmy resigned from his job. He said that the only reason he stayed on so long was to help her out. He no longer had the desire to be a police officer. But she knew the real reason was because of what happened to him in Langdonville a year back.

Jimmy was in charge of negotiating with a man who held twelve girls and their teacher hostage in their small school. After many hours of negotiation he got fed up of just waiting for the guy to make the first move. He and his team went in and got everyone out, not before Jimmy beat the man to death. He was so angry at him for doing those horrible things to those innocent people. He couldn’t stop himself. When their captain and the rest of the team found out what went on, they covered for him but he was still demoted and he was back to square one, working at the front desk.

“Don’t worry Jimmy,” she started, “something will come up soon.”

“Yeah I hope so,” He told her, “my cash is starting to run low. It’s only a matter of time before I’m homeless.”

“Don’t say that,” she said her voice breaking up, tears threatening to fall. “We can’t both be in the same situation.”

“What do you mean?” he asked his concern evident in his voice.

“I got fired today,” she mumbled.

“Aw baby, I’m so sorry,” he said softly.

“Don’t be,” she muttered with tears rolling down her cheeks, “it’s all my fault anyway. I didn’t practise enough.”

“Shh baby, don’t cry. Please,” he pleaded. He hated why she cried. It felt like a part of him was breaking. “At least you’ve still got the other job right?”

“Yea but it is just part time. It’s not enough to pay the bills,” she told him, wiping her face.

“How’s Seth doing?” Jimmy asked changing the subject, not wishing to hear her cry anymore.

“He’s great! He sleeping like a six month old should be,” she told him, smiling a bit. “He misses you though. You’re the only one on this earth who can get him to stop crying in five seconds or less.”

Jimmy chuckled at that. It was true, the kid loved him. He looked up at the clock it was very late and she had work in the morning. Being a single mother, working two, well now one job and taking care of a baby must be hard.

“I’m going to let you go now. Sleep well sweetie,” Jimmy said to her.

“Sleep well too babe. Goodnight,” she said the hung up.

“I love you Alana,” Jimmy whispered over the dial tone.