

Hegarty: Good morning, Aspen. Are you feeling cooperative today?

Mirch: Yes.

Hegarty: I’m going to ask you more questions, okay?

Mirch: Yes.

Hegarty: So. We already have cleared delusions out, right?

Mirch: Yes.

Hegarty: You know you are not an alien. You just told the interviewers that for fun?

Mirch: Yes.

Hegarty: How long has it been that you’ve been more advanced than others your age?

Mirch: Yes.
Hegarty: Oh, I get it. You’re just saying yes to everything I say, are you?

Mirch: Yes.

Hegarty: That’s very immature, Aspen.

Mirch: Yes.

Hegarty: I think it’s clear you think you are smarter than me-

Mirch: Yes.

Hegarty: And you don’t think you are sick.

Mirch: No.

Hegarty: But I have the power here, see? You can only leave when I say you are ready.

Mirch: …Yes.

Hegarty: So let’s be more cooperative.

Mirch: Fine.

Hegarty: So how long have you known you were different?

Mirch: You’re calling me different?

Hegarty: No, no, not in a bad way…let’s…just…end the meeting for now. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Mirch: Hopefully not.