

So, here I am, stuck in this nuthouse with the nuts and squirrels. Hfulturkt.
I think it was the interview with the news where I told them I was an alien that drove them over the edge. No, I don’t really think that, but right after I said it, they started looking at me funny.
So, after all those things I’ve done lately, they decided I was having a mental breakdown. Mom told the press that “adolescence is a hard time for everyone, particularly a prodigy. Aspen needs time out of the spotlight right now.”
So, quietly and with a ton of security, they dumped me here. Now I’m sitting in my room, typing my journal on the private computer they installed in here (Mom and Dad sure didn’t spare any expense) typing a journal in Ascerluk (in case they’re spying) for lack of anything else to do.
This reminds me of the time I wrote my journal in Ascerluk when I was little so Mom and Dad couldn’t spy on me. I talked in Ascerluk too, but everyone thought I was just talking gibberish. No one suspected it was a whole language, grammar, syntax, and all.
Of course, I had to start speaking English and get rid of the journal and delete the computer files when word got out to the press I was a child genius and all. I had enough doctors and scientists swarming around me then-they would’ve had field day if they found out I wrote my own language when I was four.
However, I never stopped thinking in Ascerluk, or expanding it, so there’s not many ideas I can’t express in this language. Judging by my meeting with Hegarty, the head shrink, I don’t think anyone can decode it here, so I’m safe.
As safe as you can be in an asylum.
Hey, home planet? Experiment’s over, time to beam me up!