Status: hiatus until further notice

Sphira: Fire Stone

A New World

It was early morning and the sunlight was just breaking through the canopy making the dew twinkle, sparkle, amd shine. A redish brown squirrel was going about his business when he was suddenly scared away by the movement of something not to far from him. The movement came from a girl and she wad just waking up. She slowly opened her eyes revealing bright silver eyes and just laid there a moment until she finally woken up enough to sit up and take a look around herself. Nothing looked familiar and she wondered how she ended up where she was. She couldn't remember anything before waking up in this strange forest. She shook her head trying in vain to remember anything at all but came up with nothing. The shake of her head caused her to wince in pain and she placed her hand on her forehead feeling a small bump. She finally decided to get up and explore, maybe she would find some clue as to where she was or get some help.

After what seemed like hours of walking through the lush forest, she finally heard people talking to her right and quickly went that way following the voices. If they were friend or foe she didn't care at moment, anything was better than being alone. The trees slowly began to thin the closer she got to the voices and just a few strides later she broke through stopping at the edge of a clearing. It took a bit for her eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness from the sun that the trees had been hiding. Just as she was getting use to the sunlight someone grabbed her from behind and placed a dagger at her neck. She wanted to scream but found it stuck in her throat. Her captor quickly and roughly brought her to a group of two women and two men. She was pushed to the ground and turned around to glare at her captor who looked to be in his late twenty's with dark green eyes, short black hair, a black goatee, and tanned skin. He was wearing a blood red shirt that fit him to a tee, black leather pants, black boots, and a black hooded cloak which would russle every time the wind blew. He had a short sword on either side of his waist both in blood red sheaths with a print of a rose without the stem on them and in his hand was a wicked looking dagger which ended in a curve that was at her neck only a few moments ago. His voice was rough and harsh as he spoke to his companions.
“Look what I found hiding in the trees.”
“I I wasn't hiding.” She said hating how her trembled.
“Then what were you doing?”
She looked around at the rest then back to the man taking a deep breath before answering knowing that what she said next would determine her fate.
“I'm lost and was trying to find my way to someplace familiar when I heard voices and they led me here.”
The captor was about to say something when he was interrupted by one of the males.
“Hold your tongue Leion. She maybe telling the truth.”
“And she maybe telling a lie!”
“We won't know until we get back to Dragon Hill so why don't you go and tend to the horses.”
The one named Leion looked to her then back at the male he was talking to before walking off to do what he was told. When Leion was a good distance away the male that spoke introduced himself as he gave his hand to help her up.
“My name is Ryel Ames and I am the headmaster of the Rozen. Starting here on my left is Vexonee Anski, Tamoril Eldendil, Silimaure Eldendil, and the one that found you is Leion Raleste.”
She smiled at the older man who she could tell was kind hearted with his black hair that was neat and trimmed with only a few gray haits showing through, eyes a bright steel blue, and tanned skin like Leion. He was wearing the exact same thing as Leion expect his shirt was rain forest green and instead of short swords he had one long broad sword strapped to his back. She looked to the others taking in their features as well. Vexonee was absolutely stunning to her but a bit intimidating being as tall as she was. The sun shone off her fair white skin making it appear as if she was glowing and the wind played with her light brown hair that had hints of golden blonde. The only thing that disrupted her beauty was her hazel eyes, something within them was disceiving. She barely smiled at the girl and moved off to go help Leion though she hardly made a sound in her pale blue gown that was trimmed a shimmering white.
“Don't worry about her. She usually is rude but very loving though thay is hard to tell most of the time.”
She turned to who spoke and saw Silimaure smiling kindly to her even if it looked a little forced. The slim woman looked like she wanted to say more by her violet eyes but shook her head moving some of her strawberry blonde hair behind her right pointed ear. Leion and Vexonee walked up to the group a few minutes later and announced that the horses were ready to go.
“Very good. Tamoril the young lady here will ride with you. If we push through the night we should be able to make it to Celesia by sunrise. Everyone saddle up and lets get going.” Ryel commanded.
They all did as instructed and a short time later they were heading east to the coastal town Celesia through the remaining of Crystal Forest, Lessien Telemmaite in the elf language.

As promised by Ryel they made it to town by sunrise worn and hungery.
“Welcome to Celesia, the town of coastal trade. You can practically get anything here your heart desires.” Tamoril said to her in a low voice that was gentle as a summer breeze.
It made her shiver just a little bit up her spine and a light blush to form on her cheeks. Silimaure glanced at the young lady raising an eyebrow but said nothing. She would watch them closely from now on until she was certain about the mysterious girl. They stopped at their favortie tavern Sea Serpent were the owner was a good friend of theirs. Inside was empty since it was still early so they had the place to themselves and took a seat at a table that was set up in the middle of the room.
“Lucus Riveer! Are you going to just hide and let us starve or serve us your fine food and drink?” Leion yelled.
“Aye, shut your filthy trap Leion.” Came a reply from what sounded like came from the back.
They only waited a little bit before a tall muscular man in his mid thirty's came from the back carrying a big plate of food full of all kinds of meats, fruits and vegetables followed behind by a girl about the same age as the young lady traveling with them. The tavern girl also brought a pitcher of mead, pitcher of water, cups, plates, and untensils all on a tray. They sat these items down in the middle of the table and Leion helped himself to some mead and meat before anybody else.
“So what brings you all here back to Celesia, earlier than you said might I add.” Said Lucus curiously with his arms crossed over his chest.
The young girl that helped bring everything out disappeared the way she came to go finish her chores as Ryel answered Lucus with a sigh.
“We came back to speak with Elder Letti. The leads we had about were the Fire Stone could be were all dead ends.”
He took a few sips of mead and a few bits of meat just so his stomach would stop complaining before turning back to Lucus noticing the distraught look on his face. Lucus rubbed his bald head, his black eyes not meeting anyone's then looking back to Ryel.
“I hate the one to be the bearer of bad news but Elder Letti is no longer with us.”
The table was sbocked into silence excpet the young lady who continued to eat the delious fruit not paying attention to the conversation. Lucus gave her a curious look but didn't ask about her.
“When did she die?” Vexonee asked distraught since Elder Letti was her great aunt on her mother's side.
“Last month. It was a very tragic day it was. The whole town mourned for days and days. The town is just starting to get back to normancy. I am very sorry for your loss Vexonee.”
She nodded a small sad smile on her lips but did not break down and cry.
“She is with Uncle Ingan now so it is not so bad. Thank you Lucus.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I rewrote most of what I had and going to repost what is finished. Not alot is done but I didn't want anyone to be confused who is reading this story as to where all the chapters have gone.