Status: hiatus until further notice

Sphira: Fire Stone

Secrets and Feeling

“The Fire Stone? You are sure that is what she said?” Ryel asked Master Guthrie.
Master Guthrie nodded with a stern look on his face.
“Do you think-”
“Lets not rush to conclusions Master Guthrie. We'll wait until Elder May arrives and I will discuss this with her. Until then let us keep this between us and teach her like you would one of your students. I have a feeling she will need it.”
Master Guthrie nodded but he wondered what the future will hold for them. Out in the hallway Tamoril heard the comversation about Sylvia, the part about the Fire Stone at least. He turned away forgetting for now what he needed to talk to Ryel about. He wondered for a few seconds if he should tell his sister what he heard but the thought was quickly casked aside. He was sure in time that she too would know no doubt. His sister seem to have eyes and ears everywhere. He decided he would go talk with Sylvia but he wouldn't bring up the Fire Stone. She fascinated him to no end. Always on his thoughts even at times when he needed his mind focused on other things. It scared him that she had this affect on him when they barely met. Arriving at her room he knocked softly hearing a light co e in. He saw her sittimg by the window starring out at the town and sea though he wasn't sure if that is what she saw. He did notice that she was playing with the necklace he brought her which gave him mixed confused feelings he would rather not deal with but could not ignore. He took a seat next to her on the window seat which was so small that their knees were touching. She smiled at him a light blush on her cheeks.
“What do I owe this visit?”
He looked out at the glittering town below, their oil lamps making it appear like a reflection of the night sky before turning his gaze back to her.
“I wanted to know how your day went with Master Guthrie.”
“It was...uneventful. He just had me clean and organize his workroom.”
To him it sounded like she wanted to say something else but he just nodded.
“I hope you come to like it here. The Rozen has many things to teach you if you want to learn and Master Guthrie is the best in his field though he won't admit that. I am sure you'll enjoy what he has to teach you.”
She looked thoughtful wanting to tell him about Vera but knowing she shouldn't from what Master Guthrie said.
“I hope I do to. I still can't remember where it is I come from and until I do I would like to call this place home so that I can belong somewhere.”
He reached out wanting to stroke her cheek but instead took her hands in his feeling how soft and delicate they were in his rough callused hands.
“No matter if you remember or not this will always be your home.”
“How can you say that when I know none of you trust me yet?”
He smiled warmly to her unconsciously stroking the backs of her hands with his thumbs though it didn't go unnoticed by her.
“I trust you and if I do I know then that the others do as well. You have given no reason not to. Sure we are... Uncertain about somethings but that doesn't mean you are some type of prisoner here.”
She kissed his cheek then and gave him a light hug. He stiffened not expecting it but then relaxed giving her a hug in return. He breathed in deeply smelling her hair loving how it smelled of lillics. He cleared his throat and pulled out of the embrace looking anywhere but at her and stood up.
“Well you have a goodnight Sylvia.”
She couldn't look at him either not believing she been so bold but not regretting it either.
“Goodnight Tamoril.”
With that he left knowing that she would stay in his thoughts for the rest of the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
More in the way soon. It just takes forever to type on my smartphone lol. Hope y'all enjoy the story so far.