Status: hiatus until further notice

Sphira: Fire Stone

The Journey Begins

"Which way do I go now?" Sylvia asked Lilly the white mare shr took along with her.
The mare just looked at her while munching on some grass. She laughed at herself knowing how silly it was to ask the mare and looked at her dragon necklace thinking of Tamoril.
'Maybe I should of told him goodbye at least.' She thought to herself then shook her head to clear her thoughts. She closed her eyes taking deep slow breaths.
'Vera? Vera?'
'Yes child I am here.'
She smiled glad that she wasn't dreaming and that she really did speak to the Fire Stone last night.
'I am not sure where to go next.'
'Follow your instincts and your heart. You'll never go down the wrong path even if it seems like it to others. Know that I will be here every step of the way to guide and protect you.'
She opened her eyes feeling once again secure in her decision to leave the Rozen and try and find the Fire Stone.
"Sylvia!" Tamoril shouted worriedly.
He couldn't understand why she would just run off without telling him anything. It has been several days and they were still behind from what the tracks she left were saying. Too much was happening lately for him to deal with. The biggest was that the Fire Stone called itself Vera. He trusted Sylvia with everything he had in him but to trust her was to believe what she said about his mother. The only thing is that no one knew what happened to his mother that day. She simply vanished along with the Fire Stone. Maybe Leion was right about his feelings clouding his judement but he couldn't help how he felt. He tried denying his feelings but they only grew stronger for her.
He stopped his horse and turned around seeing his sister ride up next to him.
"We must stop. We need to setup camp before it gets dark."
"This time I can't. I don't know what it is but I feel that I can find her soon if I just keep going a little longer."
"I knew you would say something like that. Leave your horse behind though. You maybe able to see by the light of the moon but it cannot. I will let the others know."
He smiled his thanks, took what he needed and went on his way.
It was pitch dark when he heard a scream.
He ran following the direction where he heard the scream come from. He arrived at a camp site spotting first a white mare frantically tugging against the tree it was tied to.
"Sylvia!" He yelled when he saw her trying to defend herself against a large black bird.
He rushed over to her over to her unsheathing his twin swords. He swung once with the right and missed but clipped the bird's right wing with his left sword. The creature screeched and took off into the night sky. He sheathed his swords and turned to Sylvia.
"Are you alright?"
She didn't speak at first not believing that he was here standing in front of her.
"I-I'm alright. What are you doing here?"
"I was worried and came looking for you. Well I mean we came looking for you."
"You were worried about me?"
The lok on her face at that moment made him want to so badly kiss her that it killed him to bury that feeling.
"Of course. We should head back to the others. You will be more protected."
She nodded and they broke down the camp and went on their way with her riding and him leading the horse.
As soon as they arrived to camp Ryel took Tamoril aside and by the look on his face it wasn't going to be a happy conversation.
"So you are Sylvia Moon. I am Elder May."
Sylvia looked at the woman who introduced herself. She was about thw same weigt and build of Sylvia with long brown hair, chocolate colored eyes, and wearing a long deep green dress.
"We have many things to talk about but for now I think you need rest."
She nodded taking Elder May's advice and went to set up a bedroll near the fire. Ryel and Tamoril returned then with worried looks on their faces. Elder May noticed and called Silimaure, Leion, and Vexonee over.
"What is it Ryel?"
"Tamoril here has disturbing news."
All eyes turned to Tamoril then all joping the news wasn't all that bad.
"When I found Sylvia a large black bird was atracking her. I defended against it and it flew away but I swear that that bird belongs to Hawrthorn. I remember it from last time I encountered it."
"This isn't good. We should head back to the Rozen and think up some type of plan." Vexonee susjested.
"No. We shall go to the town Del. It is a few days ride from here and from what I could tell that is where Sylvia was going." Elder May said with confidence.
"Del? That town is a myth."
"It was made to believe to be a myth Leion to protect one person. An old mage named Nelo. He is the only one that might be able to help us."
"How is it that Sylvia knew to head there even better question where to find the town?"
Elder May turned to look at the girl who was sitting by the fire appearing to many miles away by the look in her eyes. She turned back to the others not even sure herself.
"The Fire Stone perhaps. It is my only guess."
The next morning they all set off to Del with Elder May and Sylvia leading the way.
"I wanted to talk to you Sylvia about the Fire Stone."
"What is it you wanted to know?"
"The fact that you communicate with it or should I say her. Headmaster Ryel told me what happened from what Master Guthrie told him."
Sylvia was quiet for a few minutes before answering.
"Well I don't know how to explain it exactly. I just feel a deep connection and whenever I want to talk to her I just go deep inside myself. She said she created me so maybe that is why I feel that connection."
Elder May nodded and she had to admit to herself that if she looked closely enough she could see an inner fire inside Sylvia.
"I was told that she calls herself Vera. Do you know the story behind Queen Vera?"
Sylvia shook her head no.
"Well a long time ago there was a Queen named Vera who ruled over the Elves of Sphira. She was beautiful and well loved so much so that she was the one that brought peace between the humans and the Elves. One day war broke out between Sphira and an evil mage named Hawrthorn. The battle brought much devastation to the land and people untio Queen Vera discovered an old magic from her people that was thought lost. This old magic was called the Fire Stone and with it she banished Hawrthorn to a land called Furiaden but it was the process of doing that Queen Vera and the Fire Stone vanished never to be seen again."
"You think the Vera now is the Vera from then don't you?"
"Yes I do but there is no way to tell."
"I have no memories before I met everyone in the woods that day. Nothing at all. Vera said she created me but nothing beyond that except that I am suppose to find her. Is the Fire Stone really that powerful to create life?"
"I believe so. No one really knows the limitations that it has. The main reason we want to find the Fire Stone is not for the power because power like that doesn't need to be in the hands of anyone but to find Queen Vera. We're heading to a town called Del to find a mage named Nelo. He might be able to shed some light on whats going on."
'I sure do hope so. Who am I besides a creation?' Sylvia thought to herself.
Threw the eyes of Daevor Hawrthorn finally found the one who would find the Fire Stone for him.
"So your name is Sylvia."
Of all the people she had to be around is had to be with the Rozen. It made things a little bit more complicated but interesting as well. If he thought about it all he had to do was watch and wait. With them knowing about Daevor he had to find other means of watching. Hopefully his loyal and fateful bird is bringing him something back to help him with his delima.
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Typing all this off my phone took forever boooooo. Hope y'all like it :)