Status: Hiatus

Three Punks And Their Hormones


Thursday 1991

"Good morning sunshine!" Cooed a female voice in my bedroom.
It was way too early to get up, so I decided to ignore the happy-go-lucky voice and turn around on my other side again..
"Billie honey! Rise and shine!" Said the voice next to my face.

I am still ignoring this completely..

"BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG!" Yelled the voice suddenly extremely loud and almost.. monstrous.
I sat up straight and eyed my mother frighten.
Ok, ok! You got my attention! I growled at her with my roughly rasping morning-voice.
"Oh that's better." She said sugary sweet. "Now get your suitcase and start packing! Because we're leaving tomorrow at 7 AM!"
"Aye, aye mom.." I said saluting her as she walked out of my bedroom.
She closed the door and I fell back on to the mattress with a loud groan.
I hate my mom in the morning…

Later that day Mike came over to see how I was doing. He had a few things brought over to The Palace I was gonna live in.
He made sure that Brad, the whining son of a bitch, didn't threw anything out personally.
The only thing I had left to pack was my biggest wonder of all, my precious girl, the love of my life, my beauty..

I didn't trust the movers with my inheritance.. I inherited it as the last thing my father gave me before he died.. It's the most valuable possession in my entire life. Emotionally and literally..
So I'm gonna take it with me in the car tomorrow to make sure that no harm would be done to her.

"I guess I'm almost done with everything." I said with a sigh.
Though I'm really looking forward to move out and have a house of my own. I really don't want to leave my hometown. Besides, I finally found some new customers that I can sell pot frequently for high prices..

"TRE IS IN THA HOUSE BITCHES!" Yelled a very familiar voice suddenly which caused Mike to burst out in to laughter.
I turned around and there stood Tre with a pair of sunglasses way to large for his face and a weird pink hat on top of his head.
"It's not the gay parade yet ,Tre." I smirked as I threw a few photo frames in my suitcase.
Tre mocked me and stuck out his tongue but I didn't listen really..

"So wanna go out somewhere? It's our last day here!" Said Tre excited.
"Well if you get rid of the hat and sunglasses I might reconsider." Smirked Mike.
Tre took them off and pouted heavily.
"I can never dress up and have fun with you guys." He said.
"Oh! That's not true!" I said facing him. "Remember that time at Gilman's? We dressed up in clown suits and dresses that entire evening."
"Oh yeah!" Said Tre with a big smile plastered on his face. "How could I forget!"

I smirked and closed my suitcase along with two duffel bags.
I walked over to my small mirror and redid my hair.
"What are you doing?" Asked Mike.
"We're going out!" I said with a smile and Tre cheered.


Half an hour later we were marching down the small town in the hot sun.
"This is boring." Grumbled Mike. "I thought you said we were going out Beej.."
"Eh.. we are out.. Outside.."
"Oh ha fucking ha." Grumbled Mike back at me.

"Well, well who do we have here?" Said someone suddenly.
I lifted my head to see who dared to speak that arrogantly towards us. A guy with a blue Mohawk and a few people in punk outfits.
It was Damian and his gang..

"What do you want?" I asked getting tired of this.
"Depends Armstrong." Sneered Damian. "It seems that you three morons think they're even better than the rest of us."
"Did I ever say such a thing?" I said cocking up my eyebrows arrogantly.
"No but your lame green haired weirdo boyfriend does!"
I suddenly remembered Tre's stupid comment..
"Yeah well he has no brain you can hardly judge the poor guy." Said Mike glaring at Damian.
"Even if he has a brain I'm gonna drag it out of you guys anyway." He sneered as he spit before us on the pavement. "Guess you three are up for a Bruise-party!"
Tre rolled his eyes tiredly.
"You think you can snatch my girl away from me do you?" He said as he grabbed a girl with red liberty spikes around her waist and pushed her against his chest violently.
"DAMIAN THE FUCKING LIP!" She screamed at him and he loosened his grip a bit.
"Thank you assfucker." She said pushing him away as she touched her bottom lip carefully where it seemed she recently had a lip ring pierced in to.

I was snapping my knuckles as Damian stared furious at the three of us.
"Don't try anything pussy.." He growled.
"I don't even want that ugly hippy ass of hers." I snarled.
She widened her eyes and glared at me.
"Nobody calls me a fucking ugly hippy ass!" She spat at me.
"Oh please." I said rolling my eyes.
"Damian!" She whined with a warning undertone..
"Alright Armstrong now I'm gonna kick your ass for insulting my girlfriend!"

I shrugged and stared at my friends.
Tre shrugged.
Mike shrugged.
I shrugged again, and before Damian could release his fists on my face I had already tackled him and kicked him in his crown jewels.

"Son of a bitch!" Howled Damian. And his girlfriend, Dawn slapped a hand before her mouth. And I wasn't entirely sure if she was staring at her beloved in mock horror, or that she actually laughed at him..
"I'll get your ass later Armstrong!" He yelled after us as we headed away from them.
"Thank you come again!" Yelled Tre impersonating a Chinese Take-away restaurant waitress, which made us burst out in to laughter again.

We walked in to a pub and we ordered a couple of cokes. Getting drunk wasn’t the best idea right now if you get my drift..
"What an asswipe." Said Mike with a smirk. "He should date Taylor.."
"Oh yeah!" Squealed Tre. "He should totally do! Anyone who dates her must be a brainless fuckhead!"
Mike raised his eyebrows and stared at him.
"What?" Said Tre looking from me to Mike and then back at me again.
"You dated Taylor fuckhead.." Said Mike with a smirk.
Tre paled.
"No I didn't I banned that out of my thoughts. IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN!" He yelled.
I laughed but then I suddenly felt someone tapping my shoulder.
I turned around and met up with Dawn..

"Eh.. what do you want?" I said quirking one of my eyebrows.
"Just wanted to thank you, loser." She said as she smacked me at the back of my head and walked away reassuringly.
"For what?!" I yelled after her, a bit confused and angry at the same time.
"For breaking up with that shitcake for me, asshole!" She yelled and she slammed the door shut.
"Was that weird or what?" Said Mike staring at the door in shock.
"Most definitely." I replied with my eyebrows still in a frown. "She's a sick, sick woman.."
Then we burst out in to laughter.

That same evening when I walked in to the house,-not caring that I ruined some "romantic dinner" between Brad and my mother- the snailhead commanded me to stop dead in my tracks and face him.

Oh yeah like he's king shithead of the dipshit authorities..

I turned around even though my body and mind were totally against it..
"Don't forget 7 AM!" He bellowed at me. I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs.
I didn't had the effort to really talk to him.. Even though I'm looking forward to move out I'm nervous as hell.
I'm going to meet this girl that's gonna be my bride whether I like it or not, though I have never ever seen her in my life and I fucking hate the idea!!!
I still wonder how she looks like..
I fell down on my old lumpy mattress, closed my eyes and sighed depressively.

I hope she doesn't have any resemblance to Taylor..
♠ ♠ ♠
well sorry for the delay peepz. Hope you still like the new update! I think it's a bit crappy but that's because it's past midnight and I'm tired as hell..

(also, this is for the people who might haven't noticed it yet... I've put down a big green text on my profile, so people can see on which update I'm working for which story.. So if you want to know how fast the update for this story is, just check my profile.. =D)