Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

It's Me Against The World

Word buzzed around the school that Carly's boyfriend, Jake, was extremely pissed for what Alex had said to Carly nearly two weeks ago. Everyone looked at us with surprised, confused, and shocked looks as Alex and me walked down the hallway, his arm tightly secured around my waist. I tried my best to ignore all the looks, and Alex murmuring in my ear that everything would be okay was easing my nervousness.

Or so I told myself.

Literally, I was trying not to run out of the school building, out of the city, and somewhere no one could find me. That wouldn't be much of a burden for me, really. Other than missing Zack and Farah. Maybe Alex. Just.. maybe. We stopped at my locker, where Zack and Rian were standing against it.

"Sup?" Alex asked, letting me go so I could get into my locker.

"Nothing, for real. Why does Delilah look scared shit less?" Zack asked worried.

"Better yet, dude, why is the entire school talking about Jake wanting to kick your ass?" Rian interjected.

"Oh. Because I apparently said something crude to Carly that really made Jakey angry." Alex said sarcastically, rolling his eyes and probably himself against a locker.

"Fantastic. This should be a very interesting day." Rian laughed, patting Alex's shoulder and heading down the hallway.

"Where's Jack?" Alex asked as I shut my locker.

"Hell if I know." Jack replied nonchalantly.

"That's convenient. I hope he isn't skipping. Again." Alex groaned annoyed.

"As much as I would enjoy sticking around and listening to you guys chat, I've got to head to Calculus, see you two later." I told them, walking away.


Lunch was hectic. Actually getting along with the guys, minus Jack not being here at all, was something I would definitely have to get used to. Carly attempted to trip me when we came into the door, but miserably failed, causing the entire lunchroom to snicker at her. I casually passed, pretending the entire scene didn't happen.

Jessica sat with Jake and a few other guys at lunch, who was viciously glaring over at Alex, which ignored it completely after shooting him the bird. I drank my apple juice and picked at my sandwich, not really having a settled stomach to eat anything.

"Hey Delilah?" Alex said, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Yeah?" I asked, shaking my head.

"You alright?" Zack asked.

"Oh, yeah. Zoned out for a moment, sorry." I replied.

"Mhm.. Anyways.. What's wrong?" Alex questioned.

"Nothing really. Just sorted of, worried, I do suppose."

"What about?" Rian asked, munching on an apple.

"Well, uh, I'm kind of worried about this whole 'fight thing' that Jake as planned." I told them.

"Don't worry about me." Alex said, waving his hand off.

"I'm not worried about you, dear. I'm just not too keen on the whole.. fighting thing." I said, taking a bite from my peanut butter sandwich.

"Well why not? Fighting is just.. so.. exhilarating!" Rian laughed, and Alex chuckled too. I moved around uneasily in my seat, feeling extremely uncomfortable. Zack noticed this, and changed the subject.

"When are we going to practice next?" He asked, leaning forward some. I shot him a grateful look, which he just returned with a little nod. They started talking in deep conversation about practice, then changed the subject to Jack being M.I.A. I had the awkward feeling that someone wasstaring glaring at me.

I turned my head slightly, seeing that the entire table of Jake's crew was looking at us. Luckily, the bell rang, and we had to go to fourth.


"Did you hear about the fight that's going to happen in the parking lot?" A girl in my class asked me. We only talked on rare occasions, mainly when we had to do paired projects. Her name was Lydia, and a senior, like me. She had red hair, freckles dotting her face, glasses propped on her nose, and bright blue eyes.

"Yeah," I said, rubbing my temples, "thats all the entire school has been buzzing about."

"Sorry to bring it up again, but I wasn't sure if you knew when. Jake was talking about it to Carly in the hallway. From what I heard, he plans on getting him in the parking lot." She told me.

"Thanks. I'll head out there as soon as this class is over."


I shoved through people as the circle started to disperse. Cars were leaving the parking lot, now, and I was on a mission to find Alex.

Once I had made it through, I saw Jake heading towards his car -with the support of Carly-, limping slightly. Alex was smirking, clearly meaning he had won. I sighed, and jumped onto him. I clutched my arms around his neck, burying my face into his shoulder. Alex wrapped his arms around my waist, smiling into my hair.

"How bad are you hurt?" I asked, surveying his face. He had a small cut above his right eyebrow, and a bruised jaw bone.

"Not too much, love. He's worse though. It's going to be funny seeing what he looks like tomorrow." He laughed. I stood on my tip-toes, kissing his cut slightly.

"What happened?!" Rian, Zack, and Jack nearly yelled, running up. I shot another look at Jack, confused on why he had randomly shown up.

"I fucking dominated him." Alex joked, pulling me into his chest for a hug. I winced as he touched my lower back, and Zack noticed. He gave me a sympathetic look, but didn't let it last too long.

"Hell yeah man!" Rian said, high-fiving Alex with his free hand.

"Let's go back to my house and fucking celebrate!" Jack cheered.

"You want to come?" Alex asked me, looking down at me. I looked up at him and into his chocolate eyes. I hated saying no to him, but what else could I do?

"I can't. I've got a huge Calculus test tomorrow. But go and have fun." I told him. I felt him sigh, but he nodded nevertheless.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe." He kissed my lips softly, and turned to walk to his car. Rian and Jack followed, since they rode with him. But Zack stood around for a minute.

"Are you ever going to tell him?" He asked me.

"Eventually." I told him, walking past him.

"You're late." Carl spat when I came through the front door.

"My teacher was talking to me about college." I lied.

"You aren't going to college." He spat. "Don't tell those fucking fake-hearted teachers that you plan on it either. You're going to stay home, work, and pay the fucking bills around here."

"Like hell I am." I objective. I covered my mouth, surprised at my own outburst. He turned and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Excuse me?" He spat. I backed up slowly, scared shitless. He lashed his hand across my cheek, making me slam into the wall. I whimpered, sliding down it slowly. I heard heavy footsteps, and then the front door slammed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shit. I've realized how long it's been since I've updates. Sorry for the wait guys! The weather has been TERRIBLE, I mean, TERRIBLE. Plus, I've been busy with school and such. We only have TWO, MAYBE THREE days left. Which means...

more updates! yay. get excited.

Summer = very terrible weather for Alabama, so you never know when things get worse. blah. I'm skipping the days that we've got to make up for swine flubad me and going to Gatlinburg May 26 -May 29. I probably won't be updating then, so giving you guys a heads up. Sorry ahead of time, too.

I'll be ending this with THANKS FOR ALL THE COMMENTS. & THE NEW COMMENTER'S. yay! (: