Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

Diamonds Aren't Forever

I strolled into school early again, not wanting to deal with the crowd. There were a few people already sitting in the gym, so I decided to go and sit in the corner in the bleachers. I pulled my dress down, and rested my head against a cement pillar next to me. Someone started shaking me, and I looked up to see Zack smiling down at me.

"Hey." I whispered, my throat hurting and voice hoarse.

"You alright?" He asked in an awkward motherly tone. "You have hand marks around your throat.."

"Not really." I mumbled.

"What happened?" He said in a stern, demanding voice.

"Carl got extremely pissed at me this morning for no reason, grabbed me by my throat, and started choking me. Then Karlise came in and said they were running late for her go-see. For once, I'm glad the ugly wanker was around." I explained.

"I'm sorry, Delilah. Just wait, there's only one month of school left, and you can leave." He said in a more cheerful tone. I only smiled and nodded, letting his wrap his arms around me in a hug. I rest my head on his shoulder, starting to doze off. More people came in, and the chatter was louder. Feet clamored up the metal bleachers, but I didn't open my eyes to see who it was.

"Hey, dude, what's up?" It was Rian, or at least I'm pretty sure it was. I heard a few whispers, but didn't strain my hearing to listen.

"Delilah?" This time, I opened my eyes. Alex was standing in front of me, an extremely worried look on his face.

"Heya." I smiled up at him, yawning as the bell rang. Everyone started out towards the hallways as Alex helped me up.

"What happened to your neck?" He asked concerned.

"Oh, this? Uh, my dad's girlfriend thought I was a burglar when I was coming the house last night from work and attacked me." I lied, managing to make it believe, surprisingly. Either that or he didn't want to push his luck with me. Probably that. I'm the world's worse lair.

"What the hell. Well shit, that sucks. I'm sorry." He said, wrapping one of his arms around my shoulder and leading us down the hallway.

I went into my art classroom, taking my seat at the back. My art teacher was drawing on the board with expo markers, creating a toucan that had a blue beak and rainbow feathers. Ha, random much?

"Now, I've got a new assignment for you guys. I want you to create something abstract, completely out there. Similar to an acid trip -please don't repeat that to the principals- but not as bad. Be creative, and don't strive to make it the best, or else you're bound to get too carried away. Proceed." He said, sitting at his desk.

I pulled out my sketch pad, knowing what I was going to draw. I started out with a large hill in the background with a castle on it. I then drew faeries, dancing around in sky. The sky was a mixture of pink and purple colors, and a calm, serene ocean in the background. The sun was setting perfectly in the center of the ocean, making the waters gold and blue, seeming to shine like diamonds.

It was the perfect example of peace. Something I desperately hoped to find. Someday, soon, I pray.

Alex turned around in his desk, looking at me curiously.

"What?" I asked, looking at him suspiciously.

"What are you drawing. I have no idea what to do." He asked desperately.

"You can't see." I said, pulling the notebook towards my chest to hide it.

"Aw, come on. Be nice." He begged.

"Maybe I don't want to be nice." I retorted, kidding around.

"Well, then maybe I should punish you." He said in a low, joking manner. I barked out a laugh, making him grin and shake his head.

"You're silly, Mr. Gaskarth. Now, turn around and do your work." I instructed, getting back to finishing my art.

"So, do you want to.. go get something to eat?" Alex asked, evidently nervous, as we walked down the hallway and out the school doors.

"I would love to, but I have a few things at home I have to.. care to." I replied sadly. I hated Carl. I really did.

"Oh, I understand." He mumbled, turning to walk away. I grabbed his arm, pulling him back towards me.

"Listen it me. I want to go with you. I really do. But there are some things going on that I really don't want to talk about." I managed to beat around the bush.

"You can talk to me about it, you know." He said in a better mood.

"Yes, I know, Alex. And you don't know how much I really do appreciate it. I really really do. And I plan on telling you. Soon, I think. Please, don't be angry." I mumbled the ending.

"I'm not angry at you, Delilah. It's just-" He sighed heavily. "I haven't liked anyone this much in a while. You can ask Zack, Rian, or Jack. Hell, even my parents. You mean a lot to me, ya know?"

"And you the same to me, trust me. I haven't had one guy look my way until you came along. Plus, you make me so happy even though you can be a big handful. But I've got to get to work and get home." I informed him sadly.
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Whoa, I just realized I had ten stars. ^.^
some comments would be amazing you guys. (: