Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

Cause Jersey Just Got Colder;

and I'll have you know I'm scared to death.
That everything that you had said to me was just
A lie until you left

"You poor thing." Zack said sadly, running his fingers over my bruised cheek. When I woke up this morning, the house was empty, thank God. Then, when I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my cheek was purple and green, and pretty swollen. I'm not sure how that happened, since he was choking me, but he somehow managed it.

"Its terrible, I know, Zack." I sighed loudly as he moved my hair out of the way to observe it more closely.

"This is getting completely out of hand. I don't see how you're planning to hide this from teachers, especially Alex. He's going to fucking flip a lid." Zack stated in a serious tone.

"I'm very, very aware of that. Which, is why I wish you would stop bringing so much attention to it." I smacked his hand away, letting my hair cast another curtain along side my face. He shot my a sympathetic look, then enveloped me into his arms in a brotherly hug. I wanted to cry, knowing my day was going to be the shittiest one in a while.

"Oh, look, Alex's princess moved on to one of his best friends. So adorable." Carly chirped as she walked past us, with Jessica and another girl nearly up her ass.

"Piss off." Zack said, letting me go, and I turned to open my locker, ignoring the entire situation. A few people gaped at him, but didn't stare too long. Zack wasn't big, but he had a reputation for being tough when he kicked Steven Howie's ass in sixth grade for lifting up my dress in the hallway, showing everyone underwear. I spent the rest of the day crying in the bathroom from embarrassment, and Zack found me, then kicked Steven's ass by the buses.

Good ole' days.

"Today's going to be one hell of a day." I told Zack, earning a confused look for the 'curse' word I said, but nodded his head nevertheless.

Alex sat down in the seat in front of me in art, setting his things down carefully onto his desk top. I didn't look up, I was too afraid to see his expression.

"Hey, how's your day been?" He asked, turning around. I didn't looked up still. "Delilah?" He asked me curiously. I still refused to look up. "Hey, what's wrong." He turned around all the way in his seat, and lifted up my chin forcefully. My eyes met his chocolate ones, and he gasped, starring at my throat bruised cheek. "Baby, what happened to you?"

"Nothing." I lied uneasily. I've never been a great lair.

"Bullshit. This isn't nothing. Come on, get your things." He demanded, sweeping his off in a quick motion from his desk.

"What, why?" I asked.

"We're leaving. Now, let's go." He demanded with a strong voice. There wasn't but a few people in the class, so the conversation was probably disregarded. All the commotions about 'Alex dating plain Jane' had passed over.

I huffed, slung my backpack over my shoulder, and passed him, exiting the room. Our teacher was in the workroom, so she hadn't seen. He lead us towards the back doors with a normal stride. Oh, right, he's used to skipping a lot. Should've known. He led us towards his car out in the back parking lot, not saying a word to me the entire way. I got in the passenger side without a single word, and threw my messenger bag into the backseat.

We rode in silence as I watched the trees move down the road.

"Where are you taking me?" I said lowly, breaking the awkward silence.

"My house." He said firmly, not looking up from the road.

"Why?" I asked another question.

"Because my parents aren't home." I saw his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel, and sharply turned around a corner. We pulled into the driveway of a nice house, and he got out without another word. I sighed, following after him more slowly and into his home. It was nice and cozy, a place I wish mine was like.

He walked into the living room, throwing his jacket onto the back of it, and taking a seat. I stood awkwardly by the living room entrance,too scared to do anything else not knowing exactly what to do.

"Delilah, I'm not going to bite your head off. You can sit down." He said easily. I robotic-like walked into the room, sitting down in a chair opposite from him. He sighed heavily, standing up, picking me up from the chair, and sitting me down on the couch next to were he was sitting.

"Why did you do that?" I said, both startled and annoyed.

"Because I want to have your complete attention when I'm talking to you, alright?" I nodded my head lazily, and sucked in the urge to roll my eyes. "Look, I've noticed the bruises on you before. I never asked you where they came from because I actually thought you were clumsy."

"But I am act-" I went to interject, but he covered my mouth with his hand.

"No interrupting, dear. But you may be, I'm not saying you aren't. But the bruises around your neck aren't an accident, and this," He pulled back my hair, surveying the marking, "definitely was on purpose. Delilah, you can trust me, you know. Please tell me whats going on." He pleaded with me.

Now it was all on me. Mother fucker. I fought the thought of just running out of the house, but knew he was much faster than me and I would be caught.

"I -I don't really know how to put it without being.. bluntly honest." I fumbled around with my words, knowing I surely sounded like a babbling idiot. "But, there really isn't another way to say it, I suppose. Uh, you're right. The bruises aren't from accidents, not completely. Someone gave to me..." I noticed his face harden, and I dropped my view to look anywhere but up.

"Who, Delilah. I swear on my life I'll kick their ass." He yelled, standing up, utterly furious.

"My dad." I whispered lightly. Thats that first time I've called him that in a while.


"MY DAD!" I screamed, watering now pouring from my eyes. Alex dropped back onto the couch, evidently in shock. I didn't think it was that unusual for children to be abused by their parents... But I guess he didn't know anyone who had before.

"What- Why? How long?" He asked, leaning back into the couch.

"Ever since my mother died. He's became this raging alcohol that lets all his frustration and anger lose on me." I told him like it was nothing.

"I'm so, so sorry Delilah." He pulled me into a hug, letting me cry on his chest as he rested his chin on my head.

"You shouldn't be sorry, Alex. Nothing has happened because of you. I really don't even understand why you care so much, frankly." He pulled my away quickly, looking a little taken back.

"Why wouldn't I care? I like you, a lot, Delilah." He confessed. I weakly smiled at him and looked in his dark brown eyes.

"I like you too, Alex. And now you see why I wanted to leave Zack's so soon that one day.. and why I couldn't go to out to eat with you."

"Yeah, I guess. All this time I thought you were just being shy or didn't like me at all."

I scoffed, not believing he had even thought of that. "Alexander William! I can't believe that even crossed your mind! You know I like you."

"How was I supposed to know that? Its not like we're 'official' or anything." He retaliated.

"Thats not my problem." I huffed. I definitely wasn't asking him out.

"How is it not your problem, too?!"

"I'm not going to ask you to be my boyfriend. Its way too awkward, and I believe it's the guys place to ask, not the girls." I informed him stubbornly.

"And how can I fix that?" he laughed, wrapping his around my middle and pulling me to him.

"Hm, I don't know." I giggled, completely forgetting our previous conversation. For the time, my mind was only concentrated on Alex.

"Well, Delilah Marie, would you take the honor of being my girlfriend?" He said in a cocky, yet funny manor.

"Wait, how did you know my middle know?!"

"Zack. Now, answer my question." He demanded.

"Figures." I rolled my eyes. "And yes, Alex, I would be honored to be your girl fiend." I sneered the word 'honored' and rolled my eyes. He grinned from ear to ear, pulling me into a bear hug. Time went by way too quickly for my liking, and when I looked at a clock on the wall, I noticed it was nearly time for school to be out.

"I've got to head back to the house." I said nonchalantly.

"Do you really have to go back there?" He begged, pulling me back into him when I started walking away.

"Yes, if I don't he'll be more pissed than ever and have some time of druggie search party come find me. I'll be fine. More than likely, he'll be entertained by Karlise." I shuddered at the thought, and shook my head.

"Karlise?" He asked, confused. Right, he didn't know.

"His new arm candy, maybe official girlfriend. I'm not sure. But I really have to get going."

"Fine." He huffed, but gave in. I smiled softly at him, and walked towards the front door. Feet pattered behind me, and Alex jerked me back towards him. He attached his lips to mine, moving them slowly. I responded eagerly; maybe more than both of us expected. I broke it way to early for my liking though, knowing what would happen if I was late.

"I really, really need to go, Alex." I whispered as he rested his forehead upon mine.

"Okay. Please, don't get yourself hurt. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, I left to go back tothe house hell.