Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

Please don't leave me.

I hate weekends. Absolutely loathe them, truthfully. Karlise is having a lot of her girlfriends over, while Carl wants to have a poker night. I, got completely opposite of what I wanted, and had to clean until 'I had to go to work at three.' Carl was an idiot. I hardly worked weekends. Instead of going to the park, or just wondering aimlessly, I would retreat to the library and read books about everything and anything.

"You! Get the fucking coolers into the kitchen!" Karlise yelled at me, her feet propped up on the coffee table and was watching Daisy of Love or something like that. I wasn't sure, and frankly, I didn't care. I did as told though, and muttered 'yes master' under my breath. I lugged the cooler full of bear and cocktails into the kitchen, popping my fingers after letting go of the handle. Woman and their damn fruit cocktails.

"I've got to head out to work!" I yelled up the stairs, not wanting to go up there and bother Carl.

"Better be back on time!" He responded, and I heard the toilet flush. Charming. I left the house quickly, not wanting either of them to pull me back into theresurrection of Satan location place. I walked into town, happy that the sun was shining brightly and it wasn't gloomy out. Cars were on the streets, and people also walked the sidewalks as well. You would be insane to stay inside all day.

"Its good to see you, Delilah." The Librarian greeted as I came in the doors. I waved and smiled at her. She was a sweet lady, and didn't really belong in library. More like a Red Cross foundation support. She was too caring for this job, in my opinion. I went into the fantasy/non-fiction area, which was vacant at the time.

I skimmed through the books, landing on one that seemed interesting. It turned out to be the book Uglies. I took it to a table, sitting down to read it. After a few minutes, someone dropped a book onto the table, causing my to jump out of my seat completely. I looked up to see a smiling John, who was pulling a chair out from under the table to sit across from me.

"John Oh, what's up?" I laughed, closing my book.

"Just came to read up on some things. What are you reading?" He asked curiously.

"Oh, uh, the book Uglies." I explained. "What are you reading?"

"I'm just looked up some things about music sheets is all." I nodded my head, laughing slightly. "Do you normally come to the library on your days off?" He questioned me.

"Eh, only on the weekends. I don't take much time off during the week because.. well.. you know." I said uncomfortably.

"Hey, I understand." He said in a soothingadorable voice. He took my hand in his, running his fingers over the top of it. "You know you can talk to me about it, right, if you want to." He offered generously.

"Thanks, John, it means a lot. But, I prefer to just.. bury it under and try to forget about it for the time, ya know?" He nodded his head, letting go of my hand.

"So why are you reading books about music sheets?" I inquired, changing the subject.

"Because my friend wanted me to check them out for him since he's too lazy. He's working on getting better at guitar, and thought these might help." He replied, motioning towards the books next to him.

"So, are you in a band or something?"

"We're working on it, but we've got a few people together. Right now we're working on songs and shit like that."

We talked about his band, and music in general, until I decided that I needed to leave. He gave me a friendly hug, and I left him to check out the book. I wasn't sure when I would I finish it, but sometime soon most likely. People walked down the streets with either newspapers or umbrellas in their hands, and were running pretty quickly. I looked up at the sky, noticing it was getting pretty dark.

I groaned in frustration, and then it started to rain. Thunder clapped loudly, and people began to move around more quickly. I started off towards the direction of the cafe, thinking I would go there until the storm passed over. Suddenly, someone knocked into me, causing me to be pushed into a brick building, and hitting my head on it. Holding onto my head, I kept walking and feeling dizzy, but managed to not lose my balance.

I noticed how close the library was to Zack's, and decided to make a pit stop there. I wouldn't have to be back to the house for a few hours, anyways. I knocked on his door. A few moments later, he opened it, then gaped down at me.

"Its raining." I said simply. He ushered me into the house, telling me to go to the bathroom and he would get me a towel. I did as told, and looked in the mirror. I pulled my hand away from my head, and noticed blood on it.

"Zack!" I yelled, not exactly sure what to do.

"Here's your to- What the fuck happened?" He asked, rushing over to me, dropping the towel along the way.

"I-I think it was when someone accidentally pushed me into a wall when everyone was rushing down the street." I said, my voice fading slowly. I didn't like blood. At all. Normally, when I would see blood, or think about blood..

I woke up, completely light-headed. I groaned, clutching both sides of my head in my hands. I attempted to sit up, but failed miserably. I opened my eyes to see I was on Zack's bed, and tucked under the blankets. I tried getting up again, but managed to roll off the bed and hit the wooden floor pretty hard.

"Mother fucker!" I cursed, my leg now numb. The door opened, and Alex walked into the room.

"I think that's the first time I've heard you cuss." He joked slightly, and helped me back onto the bed.

"Wha.. What happened?! When did you get here? Why am I in his room?" I asked in one breath.

"Whoa, slow down sweetie. You're going to hurt yourself, and I'm being serious. You managed to faint in his bathroom, so he brought you up here. Then called his mom to ask what to do, then me. Farah was going to come over to check if you were alright, but the weather is still pretty rough." He explained, sitting down beside me.

"Then why did you risk coming over here!" I yelled, slapping his shoulder.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay, sheesh. Which, I see you are, so I'll be on my way." He stated nonchalantly, standing up from the bed, kissing my forehead, and turning to the door. Before he could take his first step, though, I pulled him back.

"Please don't leave me." I pleaded lightly.

"I'll stay as long as you won't me to, Delilah." He laughed lightly.

"I don't want to leave me, not ever." I muttered into his chest as we laid down.

"Then I won't." He promised. "How's your neck?" He asked in a concerned voice, brushing the hair away from my neck, taking a look.

"It's better, obviously." I sighed, running a hand through my hair, running it over a bandage over my head. Dammit.

"Thats good to hear, at least." I nodded in agreeance. "I wish you could come over tonight. Jack's decided to throw a party at my house because my parents aren't home."

"Yeah, anything would be better than being at my house. Carl's decided to have a party, too. I'm not excited at all." I told him in a bored voice.

"Well, you can always sneak out and come over to my house, if you want. You still remember how to get there?" I nodded my head against his chest slowly, deciding that would be my only choice it things got too out of hand back at Carl's party..
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credits: Please Don't Leave Me by Pink

this was pretty important, truthfully.
i noticed how harder than you know and holding you til our time is done still has a shit-ton of subs. even though they're finished. lawlz. that makes me giggle. D:

thanks for commenting, and sorry it's been forever to update. i haven't had much of a good weekend, and was a bit stuck with this.