Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

Put the hook where it hurts most.

Alex's POV.

I sighed as I watched her run down the stairs, a few people looking at the scene curiously. I went back upstairs to find my shirt and belt. Carly was wrapped in my bedsheets, a seductive look on her face.

I was too sober now. I'm not going to fuck sluts when I'm not plastered.

"Get the fuck out of my house." I spat with ever strand of hatred I could muster up. She gaped at me, shock completely all over her face. She gathered her clothes, threw them on, and headed towards the door.

Zack busted threw the door open while she was pulling it open, hitting her dead in the face. She cried out in pain, making Zack bark a laugh. She ran from the room, holding her noise with both hands, and disappeared.

Zack's eyes went over to me, and I could see anger swelling into them.


Before I could even start to tell him what was going on, he charged towards me, tackling me to the ground. He got one good punch on me before he was lifted up. I saw Jack standing there, holding Zack, and Rian heading over to help me up. They both looked extremely confused, along with an awkward looking Farah and Kara leaning against the door frame.

"What the hell is going on?!" Jack yelled, standing between both of us. Farah and Kara left, shutting the door behind them. Guy time. Fantastic.

"What don't you ask that stupid mother fucker!" Zack retaliated, seething with anger.

"Alex?" Rian ask curiously. I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"We all know I've had a fucking shit load to drink, right?" They nodded their headed, well, Jack and Rian did. "I don't know what I was thinking, but somehow Carly convinced me to come up here. I couldn't fucking think straight to even contemplate what was happening. Until Delilah came up here, it was as if I completely sobered up." I explained, not looking up from the floor once.

"Still, drunk or not, it was a fucked up thing to do to Delilah. Especially with whats going on now." Zack spat.

"Whats going on?" Questioned Rian.

"Don't worry about it." He replied, still staring at me. Great. Now I feel like an even bigger ass.

I deserve it. And so much more, too.

"Zack, he's one of your best friends. He didn't mean to, cut him some slack." Jack pleaded, obviously not wanting there to be any fighting.

"Delilah's one of my fucking best friends too, Jack! Dammit! If you knew what was going on right now, you would understand as well. Alex, who knows, should've thought twice about drinking in the first place. I know he's one of my best friends, but I can't stand seeing her get hurt."

"I fucked up big time." I whined, sitting down on my bed, head in my hands.

"Yeah, you did mate." Zack told me as if I didn't know.

"Look, we'll figure it all out in the morning. What we should do is clear out the entire fucking house, other than us and the girls, and stay here for the night. What we need now is peace and quiet." Rian obliged with everyone, leaving the room. Jack followed, eying the two of us before exiting the room as well.

"Sorry about your eye." Zack apologized. Shit?! What happened to it? I ran over to a mirror, observing my face. I had a black eye, and it would probably get worse tomorrow.

Farah's Point of View.

I can't believe I let those bastards talk me into coming over here. I've never been to her house, and frankly, I'm scared shit less to. When everyone was awake this morning, and could manage to have a conversation without hangovers, we discussed a plan.

Operation fix pretty lady and cunt nugget back up was in motion.

Jack come up with Delilah's name, Zack made Alex's. He wasn't mad at him anymore, but saw it fit for now.Not that I dissagree.

So, here I am now, about to knock on beast and the harlot's door, and await the punishment for stepping onto their property. I knocked twice, and stepped back a few paces. A few moments later, a bleach blond, trashy looking woman opened the door. Ew. Delilah was over-doing her description one bit.

"Hey.. um, is Delilah here?" I asked nervously. Why am I fucking nervous? I could probably break this bitch in half if she got smart with me. I'm eighteen, we'll both go to jail, but it would be hella worth it.

"Her? Oh, no. She's in the hospital." She smacked her gum and waved her hand carelessly.

"Which hospital?" I asked, worry now bleeding through me.

"Um, like, the only one in town." Dumb ass, there's two.

"Carl's in jail, if you want to know that, too. Poor baby, I've almost got all the money I need to bail him out." She whimpered.

"I really hope you haven't mistaken me for someone who cares, you dumb bitch." I snarled, fed up with her idiocy. She scoffed, and turned to slam the door. I hope she falls up the stairs.

Swinging open Alex's front door, I ran to the kitchen were everyone was eating. Kara wasn't here anymore; she probably had work.

"Find out anything?" Jack asked, munching on a slice of pizza.

"Actually, yeah. Karlise, is an ugly slut. I would love to beat her face into concrete. And, Delilah's at the hospital. She didn't know there were two in town, though."

"What?!" Zack yelled, standing up so quickly his chair flipped, Alex hopped down from the counter he was perched on, a completely dumb stuck look on his face. I blame him.

"I know. How does someone not know there are two hospitals?" I rolled my eyes.

"No! I mean, why is she there?!" Zack was now in front of me, more scared than I had ever seen him in the short time span I had known him.

"Carl, I guess. He's in jail, according to monkey-face."

"Carl?" Rian and Jack asked in sync, then glaring at each other.

"No time to explain, we've got to try to find which one she's at!" Alex rushed out of the kitchen, Zack quickly behind him.
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thanks for the comments guys.