Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

Well that's when I'll come home.

Alex's Point of View.

"So who is Carl?" Rian asked as we sat in the waiting room. We managed to find Delilah at the first hospital we went to; Farah claimed to be her cousin so they would tell us. I sat down beside Jack, Farah was curled into Zack's lap, while Rian leaned against the wall.

"He's um, Delilah's father." Zack said, not exactly sure what to tell him.

"So, why is he in jail?" Jack questioned.

"It's a long story, Jack." I told him, sighing and resting my head back against the wall.

"Well, there's no telling how long we'll actually be waiting here. I fucking hate hospitals." Jack groaned in frustration. I know he puts off that he doesn't like Delilah, but I know that somewhere inside him he cares about her. I mean, hell, how couldn't you?

"Is there a Zack Merrick here?" A man that you would think would be from Scrubs came into the waiting room. Everyone turned and looked at him, and Farah stirred from her light slumber. She scooted off of Zack's lap and into the chair beside them, letting him stand up.

"That's me." He waved slightly.

"Well, Delilah's awake." Everyone perked up at that, other than the other people waiting for news about their loved ones, "but she's only asking for Zack at the moment." He finished. I sunk back into my seat, along with Farah in hers, as Zack and the doctor left the room.

This is all my fault. I'm the reason she left home, and I'm the person that caused her to sneak up. She got hurt because of me.

Delilah's Point of View.

I rolled over onto my back, feeling a painful sensation in my wrist. I looked down at it, noticing an IV was stuck into my bruised wrist. Jumping up in panic, I jerked over a pole holding a bag of water, but it didn't bust. I could hear the beeping of my heart accelerate on the monitor, but I had no idea why the hell I was in a fucking hospital.

Carly was sitting on his bed, with a triumphal smirk plastered onto her face, while Alex allowed her to take off his belt. His shirt was already removed, thrown around the room somewhere with the pile of her clothes. I gasped, tears automatically filling my eyes.

What. The. Fuck.

"So, is this what normally goes on at your parties?" I asked, somehow not cracking my voice.

"Delilah?!" He shrieked, jerking away fromCarly the slut immediately. She now smiled from ear to ear, scooting backwards on the bed. I turned around, slamming the door, and running towards the stairs.

"Delilah! Wait!" Alex called as I ran down the stairs. I stopped on a step, spinning around.

"Don't, Alex. Just- don't." I commanded, making him stop dead in his tracks. I turned back around and descended the rest of the steps into the massive crowd of people. Zack looked at me with a worried, yet cautious face. I didn't bother to go over to him; I wanted the hell out of here. I pushed through people without caring who I hit.

I walked through the dew-sprayed grass, letting the bottoms of me jeans get wet.

I couldn't remember anything else beyond that, but before that was rushing back to me so fast that it hurt. A lot. I fumbled with the handle that called for a nurse, but finally pushed the button and rested back onto the truly uncomfortable bed. The door opened about a minute later, and instead of a nurse, a doctor walked in. I could tell because he wasn't in the nurse type outfit, but a sea foam green scrub-looking type thing.

"Ah, Delilah, good to see you awake." He greeted, glancing down at the floor and sighing. He proceeded to pick up whatever the thing I knocked down was.

"Why am I here?" I asked him.

"Well, apparently, you were beaten. Your neighbor was outside when it happened, and called 911. He told the police that you came through the screen door and tumbled down the stairs onto the sidewalk. You've suffered a small concussion, and cracked two ribs, but other than that you're fine." He informed me. Oh, I'm fine alright. I would be fine if I could get the fuck up from here and kick his ass.

"Fantastic." I spat, closing my eyes.

"I'm sorry that this has happened to you." Right, he was sorry. "But you have a few people in the waiting room. I think it's fair enough to let a few in to visit so they know you're okay." I perked up at that, not wanting to be alone for a while.

"See if Zack Merrick is here. I only want to see him." I instructed. He nodded his head, and left the room, closing the door behind him. A few minutes later, Zack came in the door, rushing over and hugging me.

"Oh my God, I'm so glad you're okay." He said quickly, kissing the top of my head.

"I'm fine, Zack, really." I muttered.

"What all happened?" He asked, pulling over an ugly green chair and sitting next to me.

"I guess from what I was told, I was pushed through the screen door, tumbled down the stairs, and landed on the sidewalk. Doc said I had a concussion and two cracked ribs but other than that everything's cool." I looked at the window as I repeated the story. I could see down into the road, which was busy with tons of traffic.

"Damn Delilah. Well, Carl's in jail, if that means anything to you." I nodded my head; I was grateful. But my mind swayed towards Alex. I couldn't help but wish he was here, even after what had happened. I've never loved anyone but my mom, maybe Zack and Farah as friends, but there was something about Alex that changed that. My brain kept telling me to not talk to him and let him suffer. While my heart said the complete and total opposite.

"He blames himself, you know." Zack said as if he was reading my mind.

"What?" I shook my head from my daze and looked at him curiously.

"Alex. He blames himself for all of this. He hasn't told anyone that, but I know that he really does. You can see it in his eyes." He sighed, running a hang over his face slowly. "After I managed to give him a black eye, he started telling us what really happened. He had too much to drink, and I think something had spiked his drink with more harder stuff. Carly was the one that led him up there, and he was in a complete daze until you found him. That sobered him up quickly."

I just looked down, not knowing what to say.

"You should talk to him, Delilah. He's going to blame himself until you do." He pleaded.

"I will, promise. And tell him that I will. Just - I need to wait until I get out of here. And I'm not in much physical pain anymore." He nodded his head in understanding, and let me know he was going to inform everyone on the news, and send Farah in here.

I think she managed to cut off my circulation with a bone-crushing hug.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Full Moon by Black Ghost.
I think, i forgot.
