Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

You Know I Make You Want To Scream

"So, you're moving." Alex said as I saw criss-crossed on his bed.

"Yeah, I guess." I said, biting my bottom lip.

"This is the epitome of fail. I really don't want you to leave." He sat down beside me, rubbing my knee slightly.

"I don't want to leave either. Like I told Zack, everything is starting to go well for me. We're back together, Carl's not such a dick anymore, my grades aren't dropping anymore. It's all.. good." I sighed, rubbing my face in an annoyed manor.

"What's up with Carl?" He asked. Right, he wasn't aware.

"He um, decided that he was going to be a better 'father.' Something I said to him that night hit a nerve, so he kicked out thunder cunt, makes dinner every night, oh, and his job is moving to California. He said that he couldn't quit, because finding a job is too difficult with the economy and all."

"Eh, he has a point. But still, it's going to be so hard without you here, Delilah. How come you can't like, move in with Farah or Zack?"

"Well, I'm only seventeen, so I don't have much of a choice unless they like, adopt me or something." I explained.

"Well, get Zack's mom to."

"It's not that easy, Alex." I sighed. "Carl thinks that him and myself can start over together in Cali, that maybe we'll be a family like when I was younger."

"That really sucks. I-I don't want to lose you again."

"Alex, look at me." I pulled his chin up, forcing him to look at me. "You're not going to lose me, no matter how far away we are. I-I love you." I finally released, getting it off my chest.

"I love you, too." Alex smiled at me, kissing my lips passionately. I responded quickly, tangling my fingers in his hair tightly. Placing a hand on my lower back, Alex pulled my body closer to his, our chest pushed together firmly. I leaned back, lowering myself onto the bed, pulling him down with me, letting him dominate our kissing battle.

"Delilah." Alex groaned as I tugged on his hair tightly. He trailed his fingertips up my side, lifting up my shirt as he went. I pulled away from the kiss, leaving a trail of small kiss down his jaw bone to his neck. When he gasped, I knew I had found his sensitive spot, and began to suck lightly on it.

"My parents aren't home." Alex whispered into my ear.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" I murmured, retreating from his neck.

"Either way you want it to be." I giggled at Alex's cocky side, letting him take me away. Physically and mentally.

"Why do you look so happy?" Farah asked when she came into the work kitchen the next day.

"I'm not happy." I said, picking up a plate of.. whatever the hell the shit was and started walked towards a table with a lonely, elderly man. I felt a little bad for him, but didn't want to linger around.

"You're glowing." She stated. "Did you.."

"Did I what?" I asked, knowing my face was red, though.

"You did!"


"Oh, don't you what me. I want details, now woman!"

"Farah.." I groaned, but she ignored my plea.

"Was he any good in bed? Did you guys foreplay? Oh! Was he big?!"

"Farah!" I shouted getting a few odd looks from the two older people that worked here. John would be here soon, and I was going to break the news about my moving to the both of them together.

"Yes?" She asked bashfully.

"Be quiet will ya? And I'm not telling you anything, you creeper."

"Oh, come on!" She pleaded, bouncing on her toes slightly.

"No! Now get back to work." I demanded, laughing lightly as I did.

"Fine, fine. But I will get it out of you one of these days!" Yeah, maybe not as soon as you think.

John and Farah walked in the break room after everyone had left. I told the boss we would close up, and the other two had already left.

"You wanted to talk?" Farah asked, sitting on top of the table that everyone seemed to perch themselves upon. John was in a chair, elbows

"Yeah, I need to tell you guys something." They both looked at expectantly, waiting for the news. "I'm moving."

"You're moving?" Farah asked.

"Yeah, to California. Carl's making me. His work is moving there, and he thinks that we can start over there."

"I'm really going to miss you, Delilah." John said sadly, pulling me into his lap for a hug.

"Delilahhhhh." Farah whined, jerking me out of John's lap and wrapping her arms tightly around me. "What am I supposed to do without my best friend?!"

"You have Zack and John here."

"That's supposed to get me somewhere?!"

"I resent that!" John mumbled, causing us both to laugh.

"So, you're really leaving?" I nodded, biting my bottom lip to prevent myself from crying. Again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thought the title was appropriate, even though I decided not to go into details. :D Only a few chapters left, and I already have 41 subscribers on I Miss The Lips That Made Me Fly. <3 you guys are amazing. :]

i ordered two glamour kills shirts, I'm exicteddddd. so, do any of you guys play Pokemon? Because it's fun!