Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

Crazy, but that's how it goes.

"Whens graduation?" Carl asked as I stirred around salad absentmindedly.

"Next Thursday." I said sadly.

"We'll be leaving the following Monday, then." He told me. I nodded my head and didn't look up. "Delilah, I'm really sorry about this all, you know that."

"Yeah, you already told me."

"I just, hope life in Cali may be better."

"I love my life here."

"I know you do, but I don't want to lost my job and neither of us have a play to stay. Don't you understand that?"

Sighing, I replied "Of course I understand it, Carl." He winced slightly when I didn't call him dad, but I continued "But there's so much here that I love, I'm scared California is going to be to.. harsh."

"I'm afraid of the same thing to, but it's pretty unavoidable. I would rather stay here then move to a big, polluted state. This is.. home." The phone started ringing, and he got up to get it. He answered with a 'hello' and then a puzzled expression plastered his face. He covered the phone speaker, then turned to me.

"There's an Farah on the phone wanting to speak with you." He said, handed me the cordless and walking out of the room with his food.

"Hey Farah." I said simply.

"Hey, and before you ask, I snuck into boss's office and went through files, and got your number. Creepy, yes, I know. But! We need one-on-one time before you leave. We're going to go to the mall."

"Haha, alright. Let me ask dad."

"Dad? When did you start calling him dad?"

"I'll be righttt back." I sung, laying the phone on the counter, her rambling still going on. "Dad, do you mind if I go hang out with my friend." I asked him, peeking around the corner of the wall that separated the kitchen and living room.

"Girl, right?"

"Yes." I sighed.

"Just be home before midnight." I smiled, thanked him, then returned to the phone.

"I have permission!" I chirped, smiling. I was glad to be going out before I left.

"Great. Be ready in twenty minutes." With that, she hang up. I ran upstairs, rummaging through my closet to find something. I already had a shower, so all I had to do was change and gather everything into my purse. I slipped on a pair of old, faded jeans, a plain blue t-shirt, and converse. I threw everything that could come in handy in my purse I rarely used, then heard a honk outside. I glanced out the window, seeing Farah sitting outside my house in her mustang. I called goodbye to Carl then left, joining her inside her car.

"You should get this outfit." Farah stated, throwing something at me. I tucked it over my arm, not bothering to pay much attention to it.

"I'll try it on." I replied, walking towards the dressing room. A worker unlocked the dressing room door and let me in, then left to help someone else. I pulled on the top and the pants, and amazingly, both fit snuggly.

"Let me see it!" Farah banged on the door.

"Alright, alright. Calm down." I opened the door, and Farah smiled at me.

"You look so pretty. Blue is definitely your color." I smiled at her compliment, and shut the door to change. After I paid for the clothes, Farah wanted to go to Hot Topic. I obliged, seeing that I didn't have any other stores in mind. We walked in, Farah instantly darting to the hair coloring area, while I stuck around and looked at the shirts.

Suddenly, I was tackled, following to the ground with a loud 'oof.'

"Ow. What the hell?" I groaned, rolling over so I was on my back. A goofy-smiling Jack sat in the floor next to my feet, struggling to get up.

"Here, let me help." Someone said, lifting me up from the ground. I turned around and looked at Zack, smiling thankfully.

"Hey, what do you think about purp- oh, what are you guys doing here?" Farah asked, about as baffled as I was.

"Alex want to-" Jack started, but Zack cut him off.

"Get new strings for his guitar. He broke a few the other night." He said. Jack glared at him, and shrugged and walked away. "He's with Rian right now. He was looking for some new drum sticks."

"Interesting." I said simply, turning to Farah. "So, are you going with the purple?"

"Yeah, if I like it, I'll get permanent ones." She explained. I laughed, and Zack looked a little shocked, and Jack attempted to hit on one of the employees.

"You're getting purple highlights?" Zack asked her. Then they were sucked into the conversation, and I walked around some more. I saw quite a few shirts I liked, but decided I didn't want to get them. Farah paid for her hair dye, then we left. Zack and Jack joined us soon; they hadn't noticed we left.

"Do you guys want to get something to eat?" Zack asked, wrapping his arm around Farah's waist. Jack insisted that I give him a piggyback ride, and when I said no, he believed I was calling him fat, then ran into Build-A-Bear. Shaking my head, we went up the escalators to head to the food court. As we were walking pass Spencer's, a group of four guys came out, acting crazy.

"Hey baby." One of them said winking and slapping my ass. I scoffed and went to slap him, but Zack pulled me back. They all laughed, shaking their heads and walking away.

"Aw, come on Zack. I was about to slap him into next year."

"Don't worry about it, we don't need Carl to find out and get even more pissed." I sighed and rolled my eyes, but nodded my head and kept walking. Soon, we met up with Alex and Rian, who both had bags from a music shop. Alex walked up to me, kissing my lips softly causing me to smile.

"Hey guys.. Where's Jack?" Rian asked.

"Oh, he um, ran into Build-A-Bear." I told them, making everyone laugh.

"So, what is everyone eating?" Farah asked while we sat down at a table.

"I'm getting Chinese." Rian said, and walked in the direction of the food. Zack and Alex followed, both wanting it, too. Farah and I both went to get pizza at Sabarro's. Once everyone had their food, Jack appeared with a Build-A-Bear box.

"Jack, I'm almost a little scared to know what you got." I said, then took a bite of the pizza.

"I made a bunny rabbit and named him Mr. Carrots!" Jack cheered, pulling out the brown bunny he had made. I shook my head.

"Why doesn't he have clothes on?" Rian asked.

"Shit! I forgot them!" He cried, slamming his head on the table. "Oh well, I'll get some later. I'm going to get food, now." He got up, with his rabbit, and wondered to God knows where.

"I seriously wonder about him, you guys." Zack commented. Jack returned a few minutes later, holding a cup of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

"So Alex, your girl here really catches the attention from other guys." Farah joked. I glared at her, sipping from my bottle of water.

"What do you mean?" He inquired, glancing down at me momentarily.

"Some guy slapped her ass earlier and called her babe." She answered.

"What the fuck did he look like?" Alex asked, looking pissed.

"He was wearing a blue Hurley t-shirt, baggy jeans, and torn up DC's." She explained.

"Alex, calm down." I pleaded, placing a hand on his thigh to make him not get up. He huffed, pulled my chair closer to his, and wrapped his arm around my waist protectively.

"Doesn't mean I can't do anything!" Jack announced, grabbing his bunny-box, and running out of the food court.

"What in God's name is he going to do?" I said to on one in particular.

We sat in the parking lot, waiting for Jack to meet us out there. We were by Zack's car, all leaning against it. Other than Farah who was on the disgusting ground. Rian had called him, and Jack said he would be out in ten. When he emerged, everyone looked at him expectantly.

"Jack, what did you do?" Zack asked.

"I went and found the dude, hit him with this here box," He motioned towards his bunny's box, "then ran back into Build-A-Bear, creeped out a lady, got Mr. Carrot's a tux, and left." I busted out laughing at his reenactment, clutching onto Alex so I didn't fall over.

"Dude you need to go home and sleep." Farah joked, jumping into Zack's arms randomly.

"Hey Farah, do you mind if I take Delilah home?" Alex asked. I looked at him curiously.

"Nah, go ahead. I think I'm going to drag Zack to my house. Parents are gone." She giggled.

"Okay, ew." I mumbled, feeling a little nauseated.

"Oh, don't you say anything Miss I'm-Not-A-Virgin-Anymore." She laughed. I knew my face had just changed at least ten different shades of red.

"You didn't tell us about this!" Jack faked shocked, placing his hand over his chest.

"Alright, alright. Come on Delilah." Alex snarled, dragging me away from the group.

"You have some explaining to do later!" Jack called out, making Alex chuckle slightly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woah, filler. :\

I haven't been feeling too well, so I didn't put my entire heart into this. Sorry guys. :\