Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

All In All, It's The Perfect Scene.

"Alex, where are you taking me?" I asked, rubbing my temples slowly.

"You'll see soon, love." He murmured, making me groan.

We rode for a few more minutes, before Alex parked the car into a grassy lot. There was a dock that lead onto a calm, serene pond. It took my breath away as I gazed onto it. I hadn't noticed Alex getting out of the car, until he opened my door and said for me to get out of the car.

"Come on, hop on." Alex motioned, giving me a piggy back ride.

"So, why are we here?" I asked, resting my chin on his shoulder blade.

"I used to come here a lot with my brother when we were both young. It was just a place I could let off steam or when I was upset. I meant to bring you here earlier, but never got around to it." I nodded my head, jumping off this back once we were at the end of the pier.

"This place is beautiful." I stated, letting Alex wrap his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, that's why I love it so much."

"How cold do you think the water is?" I asked him, resting my cheek against his chest.

Alex's POV.

"How cold do you think the water is?" Delilah asked, leaning her head against my chest.

"Probably not that cold, why?" I asked, not sure what she was thinking.

"Because, I want to go for a swim." She laughed, pulling me towards the water.

"You don't have a bathing suit." I stated, looking at her like she was crazy.

"Who said I needed one?" She said. She slipped off her shoes, tossing them aside. "You joining or what?!"

"Delilah, you are out of your mind." I shook my head, pulling my phone, wallet, and other things out of my pockets, tossing them aside too.

"Maybe you're just boring." She joked.

"Me? Boring. You're sooo wrong." I shot back.

"Oh, I'm not wrong." She laughed, rolling her eyes. I scoffed, tugging my shoes off my feet.

"Well, then come on silly." She giggled, pulling me towards the water. Suddenly, she pulled me in, making me go completely under the water. When I reached the surface, I gasped for air, whipping the wet hair out of my face. "You look like a wet rat." She laughed out at me, so I splashed her with water.

"Your fault." I defended myself, shaking my head.

"I suppose so. Either way, you know you're having fun." She smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me lightly on the lips.

Delilah's POV.

"Want to head over to my house? I can give you one of my shirts and I'm sure something of my mom's would fit you." Alex asked me as we stopped laying around. We finally got out of the water, realizing we shouldn't get in the car soaking wet.

"Uh, sure. My dad thinks I'm with Farah, anyways. I'll tell him she push me into her pool, and let me borrow clothes." I sighed. "Think I can put my bra and underwear in your dryer?" I laughed, pulling my damp clothes off my skin.

"Yeah, no problem. No one should be home, my parent's normally get off around eight or nine."

"That's cool, I'll have to go back to Farah's before than so she can take me home. Carl saw me getting in her car and leaving. He'll freak if I come back in another.

"This should work, are you okay with wearing a pair of my boxers until your other shit if dried?" He asked, handing me folded clothes.

"Yeah, I'll put them on." I walked into the bathroom, changing. After I had managed to get my clothes into the dryer, we decided to find something to eat. We both thought eggs sounded good, I started making scrambled, cheese eggs.

"You look great in my boxers." Alex whispered into my ear as I cooked the eggs.

"Well, they're very comfortable." I told him, putting the eggs onto a plate. "Come on, let's eat."

"Wait, I want to give you something." He said in a serious tone. I turned around and looked at him curious. "I.. I want to give you something before you leave. That way you'll remember me." He said, pink flushing his cheeks. He pulled out a box from his pocket, handing it to me. I opened it up, revealing a beautiful heart necklace.

"Oh, Alex. It's wonderful." I smiled, putting it around my neck and latching it. "But sweetie, you didn't have to get me anything, I'll never forget you." I breathed, kissing his lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, I know it's not that long, but there aren't many chapters left so... yeah.
Now! I have a new story idea, here's the summary. And even if I don't use it, don't try to steal my plot D:

Everyone's subconscious is just a reality that shows them what they really are like, or maybe even want, right? For Alex, his dreams create an alternate world where he meets THE perfect girl. In his dream state, this girl is everything that Alex wants in someone. She loves him, can easily hang out with him and his friends, puts up with tour, and even is she has problems of her own, they can work them out.

When Summer goes on tour with her brother, John O'Callaghan, to get away from problems she had at her hometown, she begins to have odd dreams that create a lot of mess for her. She meets a guy in a band, but still manages to love her no matter what her issues are.

Everyone has their own subconscious life's and personality, but what are the chances that two of them combine somehow?

Tell me what you think? It'll be called All In All, It's The Perfect Scene. Yes, also the chapter title. But it I thought it fit in with this, so yeah :]