Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

you threw a spark that lit the candle

"Hey, I came to turn in my two weeks notice. I'm moving soon, so I won't need the job anymore." I told my boss the following day.

"Alright, we'll miss you around here." He told me, patting my shoulder.

"So I hear." I mumbled. I walked out of the worker's room, through the kitchen, and out into the dining area. It was a dead-day, as I always called them. I sighed, leaning against the counter and drawing imaginary circles on it. John was serving the only couple in here, while the other two people whom's names were still a mystery "cooked." Farah had the day off, and I ended up bored.

"Hey, whatcha doin'?" John asked, wiping his hands off on his jeans.

"About ready to smash my head into the counter." I said in a bored, monotone voice.

"Ah, I feel your pain." He replied. "That's a beautiful necklace." He said, motioning towards the necklace Alex had given me. I smiled, twirling it between my fingers.

"Thanks. Alex gave it to me."

Our boss walked out, heading towards the bathrooms. "Hey!" John stopped him. He looked at him curiously, but stopped anyways. "Do you mind if Delilah and me head call it a day. Things are way too slow, anyways."

"Why not. I'll get Catherine or Joseph to take over the cash register. You two kids head off." He winked, and then walked off.

"That, was creepy. And why did you ask if we could leave?"

"Because I want to hang out with you before you leave, friend." John laughed.

"Alrighty! So, what are we going to do?"

"Two vanilla ice cream cones, please." John said to the cashier after he dragged me into Baskin Robins. "My treat." He smiled down at me. I rolled my eyes, but thanked him anyways. We left, walking down the sidewalk.

"John, I'm bored." I whined as we walked.

"We're almost there, stop complaining." He laughed. We turned a corner, and we walked some more until we made it to a school.

"What are we doing here?"

"Because, playgrounds are fun." He smiled, running towards it.

"John! Wait up!" I ran after him, trying not to drop my ice cream as well. He sat down on the merry-go-round, causing it to spin a little. I sat down beside him, crossing my legs slightly.

"Are you nervous about moving?" He asked, licking his ice cream.

"A bit. I'm just scared about being somewhere.. new." I replied, sighing lightly.

"I know what you mean. That's how I was when I came here. But, you'll be fine. You're a tough girl, you'll push through." He smiled.

"Thanks. I hope it'll be fine."

"You have to write me, Delilah. And tell me how things are."

"I promise I will, John. As long as you do the same." I leaned against the poles on the merry-go-round, licking my ice cream.

"You know I will, silly." He chuckled, ruffling my hair. We sat around some more, finishing out ice cream, then went to swing.

"I'm definitely going to miss this place..."

"This place is going to miss you. What do you plan on doing when you get there?"

"I want to go to college, of course. Probably for journalism. I would love to just be able to write and.. freely speak my mind, you know. Since I haven't done that much. Are you going to get out of this city anytime soon?" I asked, kicking the ground some making the merry-go-round spin.

"I want to try to get signed to a record label with my band, hopefully we'll be able to go on Warped Tour, or something along those lines. It would be amazing."

"So, you sing or something?"

"Yeah, I'm the lead singer of our band, which we call 'The Maine.'" He explained.

"Cool name. I'm sure you guys will do great. Alex is the lead singer in a band, too. They call themselves All Time Low. They have a lot of talent."

"Maybe we'll be on tour with them some day." He laughed, even though I knew he was serious.

"We'll see."

"Hey, maybe you'll become a famous journalist and will get to interview us."

"That would be amazing. But I doubt I will, journalism is a very competitive career"

"And so is music." He sighed, and I could tell he was thinking about it. "Come on," he said, lifting me up, "let's go walk some."
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can you guys check out this band, please?
if you have a myspace, add them!

here's the link to my new story. I'll let you know when a chapter is posted on here, too.