Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

Life Without Living

Carl hadn't came home, so I was lucky enough to have to house myself. I took a quick shower and changed while letting my hair air dry into it's curly, natural form. When I was finished, I shoved my books into my messenger bag and headed towards the door. I didn't feel like being here when Carl came back.

Art was a drag, as usual. Alex sat in front of me, which only made it worse. He thought it would be cute to throw paper balls over his shoulder while our teacher drew random nonsense on the board. I was doodling on my folder, and I wasn't the only one paying any attention.

The entire class was doing their own thing. Girls passed notes without worrying if the teacher would notice. A few jocks through a football in the back of the room over people's heads. The people that didn't talk to anyone but maybe themselves had earphones in and were drawing on note pads. The rather unholy girls ran their hands up and down other guys thighs, whispering into their ears.

I hated sitting in the back of the classroom. I didn't want to know anything that was going on with anyone else. People preferred it that way with me as well.

I sat down at the empty lunch table, opening my bag of trail mix and my bottle of apple juice. I pulled the book "The Perks of Being A Wallflower" from my bag, and started reading it to pass time. I heard the plastic chair in front of me squeak, and I glanced up. Zack was sitting there, looking at me confused.

"Are you reading at lunch?" I nodded my head, sipping from my bottle. "Why don't you talk to someone." I sighed, placing my bookmark into my book and laid it down.

"Zack, do you really believe that I have people to talk to?" I asked in a low voice. He bit his bottom lip and shook his head no, looking down.

"Hey!" He said, perking up. "Come sit with us.

"Are you kidding me?" I scoffed, looking at him like he had lost his mind.

"No, why would I joke about that?" He asked in an 'obvious' voice.

"Zack, I don't know-"

"Delilah, come on. If you wouldn't distance yourself from anyone, you could have more friends." He stated. I sighed, knowing he was right. I didn't want anymore friends.

"Please?" He begged, sticking out is bottom lip.

"Fine!" I huffed in defeat. He smiled at me while I shoved my book back into my bag. He walked over to my side of the table, sticking his hand out for me to grab. He lead me towards his friends group, and I felt extremely nervous. I knew there wasn't anyone starring at me, other than his friends.

"Zack, what are you doing?" Jack asked as I took the empty seat next to him. Alex and Jack all starred at me while Rian avoided looking at me with all cost.

"Making my friend come sit at me with lunch other than by herself." He stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Obviously, but why?"

"Zack," I whispered, allowing my hair to create a curtain between me and the others. "I knew this wasn't a good idea."

"No, it's fucking fine. You're one of my best friends, you can sit here." He seethed towards the others. I sighed for the millionth time, not bothering to open my get my trail mix back out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Life Without Living by American Diary

yayayayay! I already have three stars! :D i have 19 subscribers :] thanks so much Arianna All Time Low, x-broken-x, sunset boulevard, jessie_love, AhWhit!, love.never.dies, Just.Listen, & alyfer022096. I just went in the oder from commenting, not a particular order.

I'm sorry for not updating, been really busy with school, poor Internet access, etc.

--- in other news;;

Just to put it out there: Philly COPS suck balls. Not the city, just the fucking cops.

So, there's been a few cases of Swine (aka, piggie) Flu. Yay for no school. I've been busy, and my Internet hasn't been cooperating with me. >:\ Fail.

Has the Piggie Influenza spread to your current location, wherever you may be?