Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

Drop The Girl

I limped down the hallway of the school, trying not to cry as my ankle seared with pain. Carl had came in drunk- and from what I'm guessing, didn't get laid- and pushed me down the stairs this morning.

There wasn't anyone in the school building, luckily. I left one hour early; the walk had taken thirty minutes instead of ten due to my injury. Plus, I just wanted to be away fromthe spawn of Satan Carl.

My locker was at the very end of the hallway. To the right were more lockers, and to the left was a wall that turned into another hallway. Many people ended up running into my locker door sometimes, but then pretended as if someone had just left it open and wasn't standing near it.

I shoved my books that I would need into my bag, and closed my locker shut quietly. I didn't want any teachers to come out and see why there was a student in the hallways. Sure, sometimes they came in early to make up test, but didn't linger in an empty hallway. It was creepy.

I slid down the lockers, plopping onto the floor gently. My ankle was swelling and purple with bruises, so I had to wear pants today. Not typically my cup of tea. I let tears roll down my face as I ran my hand over the injured area, contemplating on rather or not to go to the nurses. I couldn't, though. If Carl find out, it wouldn't be just my ankle swollen.

Suddenly, a pain went through my leg. I looked down through tear-filled eyes to see a person laying face down next to me on the floor. They groaned in pain, clutching onto their knee that was still on my leg. I whimpered as they hit my ankle when they moved. They scrambled to get up, and then looked down at me.

"Delilah?" The guy asked in a curious voice. I didn't respond and just sat there.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. I glanced up, and mentally kicked myself into a pit of acid for coming here early. Alex knelled down, removing my hands from my ankle. He pulled my jeans up slowly, and gasped when he saw my ankle.

"What happened to you?" He questioned.

"Nothing." I said, pulling my leg up to be away from him.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help. Seriously, what happened?" He replied defensively.

"I-I" There was no use in lying. I would just leave somemajor minor details out. "I'm clumsy, and fell down the stairs this morning. No biggie."

"Doesn't seem like a little accident." He stated, as if he knew.

"It doesn't matter. What's it to you, anyways?" I retorted, surprised at myself. I never really got snippy with anyone.

"Look," he started, sitting down and crossing his legs Indian-style, "I'm not as much as a bad guy as people think."

"That's surprising." I said sarcastically.

"What I don't understand is, why you distance yourself from people so much. If you started talking to people, they would be more comfortable around you, ya know?"

"Distance myself? Look, Alex, you don't know me, okay? I have reasons for the things I do."

"What are the reasons?" He asked, leaning forward and resting his elbow on his leg, propping his chin in his palm.

"That's none of your business." I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Maybe so. Why won't you open up to people?"

"There's no use in opening up to people that don't like you."

"I never said I didn't like you." He told me.

"Didn't have to tell me."

"You know what - I'm going to prove to you that I don't hate you."

"And how do you plan on doing that?" I asked. Doors started opening, and student started coming in. I didn't think time flew by that quickly.

"You'll see." He said, standing up and starting to walk away. I tried standing up, but failed.

"Uh, Alex?" I said, calling for him. He laughed down at me slightly, placed his hands on my thin, rib cage and lifted me up with ease.
♠ ♠ ♠

Thanks for the comments I've been getting. I have, I think 24 subscribers:D And three or four stars. I can't even remember now. But thanks guys, really. I'm writing a longgg chapter seven as I type, because some important yet surprising stuff is in it. =X

Comments make me update faster:]