Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie

Break out! Break out!

"Why do you always wear this necklace?" Alex asked as we walked to lunch with Zack. He toyed with the necklace on my chest, observing it carefully.

"It was my mothers. She gave it to me for Christmas before she died." I told him.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I apologized, dropping it.

" 'skay. You aren't the first person to ask, ya know?" Zack held open the door for us, and followed in. He was awfully quite, which wasn't normal. While Alex, Jack, and Rian went to get food, I turned to talk to him.

"Zack, what's wrong?" I asked him.

"The girl I was liking and thought I was talking to is dating someone else." He mumbled, lowering his head.

"Aw, Zackie, I'm sorry." I side hugging him the best that I could from the way we were sitting.

"It's fine. I wasn't expecting much out of it, anyways."

"You know what." I said, an idea coming into my head. "Come to the cafe around five, I should be there."

"Why?" He asked as the guys started coming back.

"You'll see." Alex sat down in front of me, while Rian was beside him. Jack went to the other side of Zack. Rian wasn't ignoring me as much as he had in the first place. But Jack, on the other hand, still wasn't too fond of me. I didn't even know what I had done to him.

I walked down the sidewalk, strap of my messenger bag tightly in my hands. The wind blew my high around fiercely, whipping at my face hard. I was early for home, so all I would have to do was avoid Carl and everything would be fine.

When I got to work, we weren't busy at all, which was perfect. Farah was sitting on the counter, picking at her cuticles. Music was playing in the kitchen from other workers, some rap song playing.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Being bored." She replied simply.

"That's.. interesting." The door bell rang from behind me, and four guys stepped in. I smiled, and waltzed over to Zack.

"Hello. I don't believe I have formally introduced you to my other best friend, Farah." I said, dragging him towards the counter that she was perched upon, back towards us. I tapped on Farah's shoulder, causing her to turn around.

"Yeah?" She glanced at me, then locked eyes with Zack.

"Farah, this is Zack. Back there you have Alex, Rian, and Jack." I said, pointing them all out individually. "Guys, this is my best friend Farah."

"Hey." She said, not really adverting her glance from Zack, and him the same.

"One point me." I clapped, then escaped to the kitchen.

"Two large basket of fries and four medium sodas." I laughed, setting the orders on the guys table. "And you don't want anything else, right?" The three of them shook their heads. Zack and Farah took off somewhere. I said I would cover for her, especially since today was slow.

"We're great, thanks." Rian smiled at me. I'm glad he was finally warming up to me, and not being mean. I hated it when people hated you for no reason. Jack, on the other hand..

"Do you guys need anything?" I asked a table of five guys that were a few booths down from Alex's.

"Can I have your number?" One of them asked, smirking. I rolled my eyes, turning around and heading towards the kitchen to clock out for the day. I changed back into outfit I came in. I clocked out on the time machine, letting my boss know I would be leaving soon. He grunted in response. Well. Someday didn't get laid last night.

I really had to go to the bathroom, which meant for me to walk back into the cafe to go to it. The table of guys all turned and looked at me, making me feel extremely uncomfortable. I scurried off towards the bathroom, and did my business. I looked at myself in the big mirror that was in front of the sinks. My hair was getting greasy looking and needed to be washed. I was about to turn on my heels when someone knocked me into the wall. I went to scream, but a hand covered my mouth before I could.

Alex's Point of View.

Anger went through me as the table of guys from the other side of the cafe checked out Delilah. I'm not even sure why I was jealous, but it was making me pissed. She walked over to them, and we could clearly hear their conversation.

"Do you guys need anything?" She asked them.

"Can I have your number?" One of them asked her, a smirk evident on his face.Pig. She didn't reply, but turned around and walked towards the kitchen area. I checked my phone, seeing it was six o'clock, and Zack and Farah should be back soon. Delilah was getting off work, too.

She came back into the cafe, in the outfit she wore to school, and retreated towards the bathrooms. The entire other table watched her, then started mumbling to themselves. The guy that asked for her number stood up, straightened out his jacket like a chick would, and walked towards the bathroom while his pals laughed.

Rian and Jack were talking, obviously not noticing anything going on like I was.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." They nodded their heads, and continued talking.

I walked back there, curiously pushing the girls bathroom door open. Normally, I would be considered a pervert, but I knew something wasn't right. My thoughts were right. Theguy prick had Delilah pinned up against the wall, while she struggled to break free; not having much success. His hand that wasn't covering her mouth roamed up her shirt, and she muffled a scream.

I nearly ran towards them, pulling the dude by his leather jacket off of her and onto the floor. She fell to the ground out of shock and not having anything to support her now.

"What the hell?!" He yelled, standing up.

"What the hell? You're seriously asking that when you're trying to rape somebody?"

"Look, this isn't any of your fucking business." He seethed, approaching me.

"Like hell it isn't. I'm not going to stand around and watch you rape one of my friends." Well, we weren't friends, but I was working on that.

He swung a right hook at my face, but I ducked. Thank God for all of the random fights the guys and me had at our homes. I kneed him in the gut, and picked him up but the collar and slamming him into the opposite wall.

"If you want to leave without any broken bones, I suggest you get the hell out of here." He stood up, leaving the bathroom without another word. I rushed over to Delilah, who was tightly holding onto her ankle.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. She looked up at me, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I was so scared." She cried, pulling me to her and crying on my shoulder. I awkwardly wrapped my arms around her middle. This hasn't even happened to me before. She pulled away suddenly, wiping off her face.

"Oh, Alex, I'm sorry. I got your shirt wet." I laughed.

"'skay. Don't worry about it. Can you stand up?" I asked her. She attempted, but miserably failed. I tried not to laugh to her tries - she looked too darn cute.

"Here, let me help." I said, picking her up bridal style. I managed to get the bathroom door open, and carried her back to the diner. The entire table of guys was gone now. Zack and Farah were back now, sitting at the booth.

"What the hell happened?" Farah nearly bellowed. That was creepy.

"Alex, what did you do?" Zack asked, coming up to us with a worried expression.

"I didn't do shit! Some fucking prick was in there trying to molest her. Fucking blaming me." I cursed.

"How's your ankle, darling?" I asked, smoothing some hair out of her face.

"Hurting. Really really badly." She replied.

"Wait, what happened to it in the first place?" Zack asked, taking her away from me. She shot him a look, and he made an 'o' shape with his mouth, and didn't speak another word about that.

Was there something I was missing?
♠ ♠ ♠
I was somewhat proud of this one.
Spell Check doesn't like Rian's name:[

I'm not sure why.
thanks for the comments, they make me smile a lot. :]