Status: Finished

The Best Part of Believe Is Lie


I swear, Karlise was Satan's wife. She woke me up at two in the morning to take her dog out. Which, I found out I was highly allergic to the puffball. I was up for the rest of the night in soothing pads and sneezing everything but my brains out of my nostrils.

Then, Carl came in complaining that he couldn't sleep from my sneezing. I told him that if it wasn't for Karlise making me take the little fuzzball of a creature outside I would still be asleep, too. Consequently, I had a lamp thrown at me. I dodged it, but managed to flip over my bed and onto a wooden chair.

I now had a bruise on my right arm, a throbbing headache, was still sneezing, and my stomach still had a rash. To add on to it, I had school then work. I could already tell it wasn't going to be my day.

I ran a hand through my hair as I made my way to my locker. I wouldn't be late, but I wasn't going to be early like I preferred. I shoved my Calculus book into my bag, putting my Human Anatomy and Art books into my locker. I didn't have to take out my Journalism 4 book, since I didn't really ever have homework in that class.

"Hey Delilah." Zack greeted as I was shutting my locker. I turned and gave him a weak smile, nodding my head in reply. "Whats wrong?" He asked worried. I sighed, ready to give him the break down.

"Carl's new piece of meat woke me up at two in the freaking morning to take out the ankle-biter she called a dog. I found out the hard way that I'm allergic to it. I was up the rest of the morning sneezing. I'm surprised I haven't sneezed on you, yet. But, then Carl came in saying that I was keeping him u-" I sneezed. FML.

"Sorry about that. But he said I was keeping him awake. I told him we'd both still be asleep if it wasn't for his woman making me take out the fuzzball. He threw a lamp at me, and I dodged it, but then I flipped over my bed and landed on a wooden chair. Now I have this," I showed him the bruise on my arm, "my head is nearly killing me, I'm still sneezing, and I have a rash on my stomach."

"Damn, I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Don't me. I'm having a bad enough day already, don't need you to feel bad, too."

"Yeah.. How's Calculus going for you?"

"Uh.. good?" I answered back in more of a question.

"Thats.. thats good." He stepped in front of me as I tried walking around him.

"Zack, what are you doing?" I complained, trying to get around him again.

"I.. you know, you're amazing." He covered up.

"Why thank you, Zack. Now please, move." I looked up at him with huge eyes, and stuck my bottom lip out. He sighed, and moved over slowly. I smiled at him, and went to walk forward. Too bad my looking down habit wasn't present. I looked forward to see Alex talking to Carly. No, it wasn't really talking, more like she was all over him and he was sucking it all in.

"Oh." was all I said, and turned back towards Zack. "Now I see."

"Delilah, I'm so sorry." He said.

"Still isn't your fault." I whispered, letting him pull me into a hug.

I actually skipped school. I went to the cafe, instead, and began my shift extra early. I was just going to save the money I got. There was no telling when I would need it. Farah wasn't due in till twelve, since she was starting to take night classes at a community college downtown.

Zack called during break, and told the teachers that I was at home sick. They wouldn't call, so I was grateful for that. It was three now, and school would be letting out soon. It was Friday, the day I dreaded most, but what the other teens looked forward to. The door kept opening and closing, the bell dinging constantly. This is what I was afraid of.

"Delilah! Alex is here!" Farah called from the front. I sighed, and didn't budged from my seat in the back. I was on break, and I still had a few minutes left. I really didn't feel like having to deal with him, so I would wait.

..until later.

"Delilah, you can go now. The new guy is coming in soon and you've been here since eight in the morning. Go ahead and head out." My boss instructed. I swear, that man popped in at the most random times.

"Alright." I mumbled, going into empty back storage room and changing. I didn't want to bother having to go to the bathroom.. again. I put on my "school" outfit. I started fighting with myself over whether or not to go through the front door or take the back. My less courageous side won, and I headed towards the back door. I walked out, faced with an opened concrete lot with a line of fern trees in the far back. I walked around the side, watching my feet as I walked.

Then, Ihit ran into something. I heard a loud 'oaf' as I tumbled down to the ground. I was laid flat on my back as a long groan came from me.

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry!" The person muttered, sticking their hand out to help me up. I looked up, seeing a calloused hand. I sat up, and scooted backwards.

"What's wrong?" He asked me curiously.

"Alex, what are you doing around here?" I asked, standing up on my own and backing up.

"It was too crowded in there and I wanted some fresh air." He responded, walking towards me. I backed up again, not wanting to be near him.

"What are you doing?" He questioned.

"Getting away from you. Why don't you go play with Carly or something?" I spat.

"What are yo- Oh my God! Are you talking about what happened this morning?!" He nearly yelled. I didn't look up from the ground, but just shuffled my feet around.

"She was just asking why I didn't want her, and then she started trying to feel up on me until I pushed her away and go fuck around with her boyfriend, Jake." He stepped forward again, yet this time, I didn't back away. He cupped my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"Look. I'm not going to let her come in between you and me." He said sincerely.

"Yeah, and how am I supposed to believe that?" I shot back.

"I don't know, maybe trust me?" He said in an annoyed tone.

"Why should I trust you? You're the one that has the man-whore path, not. Me." I sneered, jerking myself away.

"And you're going to believe everything you've heard, right?" Thunder crackled in the sky, and lightening struck a few miles away on a mountain.

"What am I supposed to believe?! You haven't given me much of a chance to have any faith in you!" I screamed as rain started to pour on us both.

"I haven't had anything to do to even prove it to you, yet!" He yelled back.

"I don't want you to have a reason to prove it." I said in a lower voice.

"Like I do to?" I was surprised he actually heard me.

"Do you?" I retaliated.

"No, not at all."

"Then don't give me reasons to, Alex." I cried, shaking my head and walking pass him.

"Where are you going?!" He called after me, and tagged behind.

"I don't know!" I really didn't. I was 'due' home for another three, maybe four hours, and I definitely didn't want to go back.

"Are you crazy? It's storming and you're just going to go wandering around, taking the possibility of getting struck by lightening?"

"There's the possibility." I yelled as I walked further down the street. I felt a grip on my arm, and he pulled me back into him.

"Why don't you just stay here for a minute, and talk to me." He pleaded.

"What is there to talk about, Alex?" I sighed, but knowing I would cave in.

"Nothing in particular! Come on." He dragged my to a bench, and the rate started slacking up.

"What do you want to be when you get older?" He asked. I scoffed at him, and he shot me a stern look.

"A journalist or a human social worker." I sighed in reply.

"That's cool. I want out band to go far." He replied happily.

"I'm sure you guys will, you all are fantastic." I told in with complete seriousness.

"Thanks Delilah, that means a lot."
♠ ♠ ♠
anyone want to make me a banner?
