Trapped in Paradise My Ass

Welcome to Our World

Name: Sam Lavalan
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen
Grade: 11th, Junior
Personality: Uncaring, Dominate, Regal.
Reason for being present: Was talked into the trip by Lyra.

Name: Lyra Reimont
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen
Grade: 11th, Junior
Personality: Unbiest, Charming, Opinionated.
Reason for being present: Thought it would be an amazing adventure.

Name: Holly Anders
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen
Grade: 10th, Sophmore
Personality: Sweet, Intelligent, Submissive.
Reason for being present: Parents thought it would be good for her to get out.

Name: Abbi Fischer
Gender: Female
Age: Sixteen
Grade: 10th, Sophmore
Personality: Cynical, Judgmental, Opportunist.
Reason for being present: She wanted the extra credit for being present.

Name: Haru Cho
Gender: Female
Age: Fourteen
Grade: 9th, Freshman.
Personality: Quiet, Pessimist, Creative.
Reason for being present: Teachers pressured her to join the group.

Name: Blayne Baker
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen
Grade: 12th, Senior
Personality: Melancholy, Rational, Resourceful.
Reason for being present: He was looking for a little excitement.

Name: James Huntington
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen
Grade: 12th, Senior
Personality: Monopolizer, Brutish, Promiscuous.
Reason for being present: Wanted to past some time, and get extra credit.

Name: Conner Vasser
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen
Grade: 12th, Senior
Personality: Naturist, Tranquil, Friendly.
Reason for being present: He wanted a chance to do something good for the environment.

Name: Matthew La Belle
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen
Grade: 10th, Sophmore
Personality: Aristocratic, Civilized, Mellow.
Reason for being present: His decision was mainly about extra credit, but his teachers wanted him to socialize.

(Every time you meet a new character, they shall end up here.)

Name: Sade Sadova
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty
Occupation: College professor / Super Genius
Personality: Unconventional, Sarcastic, Provocative
Reason for being present: He is on the expedition to study animal behavior, and reproduction.

Name: Alistair Devereux
Gender: Male
Age: Thirty one
Occupation: Doctor
Personality: Arrogant, Enchanting, Eclectic
Reason for being present: He is studying various types of healing plants and herbs.