Trapped in Paradise My Ass

You’re Worth More

Songs of Inspiration
I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab for Cutie
Better Then Me by Hinder
Not Like The Other Girls by The Rasmus
Stay by 12 Stones

“Love is merely a madness, and, I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as madmen do.”

Truly, this trip could’ve have been any better. Being around lots of people, all willing to forget their status for the moment. The most startlingly thing was Sam‘s actions. She was forgetting everything completely. From the corner of Lyra’s eye, she saw Sam sitting with Matthew. They seemed to be talking about something private, so Lyra didn’t get involved. She smiled and turned around from the two.

“So, how far have you gotten Sam?” Matthew found Sam rather interesting. She never really talked to him, and why would she? She was gorgeous, a true knock out. Not only that, she had a strong mind, and a spirit unmatchable to another. He on the other hand, was lame, and didn’t fit in well.

“Oh, I’ve read it a few times. I really like the depth of the story. Truly, we humans are darker then we appear. I love the way the hero becomes the villain, and all with a simple death of a loved one.” Sam blinked in thought, then suddenly stopped. He was starring at her intently. At first it worried her out, but she saw something else. Admiration.

“You are a wise women. I do wonder though, was the author trying to show us that our hearts are more fragile then we think. That even strong wills, like yours can break under the right pressure?” He smiled at her. Matthew enjoyed this conversation a lot. It had been a long time since he had talked to someone. She grinned at Matthew, enjoying his backfire.

“Indeed, he might be. But, possible, he was showing that heroes can’t be trusted with their own sanity, much less the life of another.”

“Touché. You’ve got me there. I-” Matthew was suddenly cut off by James grabbing his book from the seat in front of them. He opened the book and scanned it.

“Come now Lavalan. Stop wasting your time with such a loser. He merely lives in this book.” He grinned at the book, then suddenly tossed it out the window. Matthew didn’t move a muscle. He looked clam as ever, which shocked Sam. She on the hand, was pissed. She loved that book. She stood up and lashed her claws down on his face. He let out a holler and flew back.

“You little bitch! How dare you do something so childish. I swear, I’m going to ring your neck, and throw your head out the window. I-” Sam was suddenly cut off by Matthew standing up next to her with a hand in the air. He looked calm and collected, the same couldn’t be said for her.

“Sam, please. Don’t waste your time on him. He is seeking attention, that is all. The book is meaningless, I do not wish you to get sent home. You’re worth more to me then that book.” He smiled. Sam wavered, he looked so charming and strong. She was taken back by his collectiveness. Even when dealing with her outrage, and James petty antics. James growled at them, while holding his red cheek. For a moment Sam smirked, but stopped with the teachers came to see what happened.

“What happened? Is everyone alright? James, are you okay?” Linda cradled James close, looking over him like a hurt child. He glared at Matthew, then smirked towards Sam.

“Nah, just a mix up. You how rowdy us kids can be,” James spoke darkly, but kept a charming smile. Linda looked relieved that gave a bright smile.

“Oh good. Just make sure you don’t fight, okay? I don’t want anyone to go home.” Linda smiled and flew to the front of the bus once again. James scuffed at them, then turned away. He stomped back to his seat, then plopped down. Sam rolled her eyes at him. Truly, she found him useless, and selfish. Stopping in mid growl, Sam looked up at the face of Lyra. She held the camera, snapping pictures of the two of them.

“Did you get a picture?” Sam questioned with a devilish smirk. Which was returned by Lyra.

“Yuppers, and its awesome! Take a look!” Lyra leaned down, showing Sam the marvelous picture. In the high powered, HD screen, was Sam smacking James. His face was contoured with a girly scream face. His eyes were wide with fear and shock. Sam could’ve sworn there were tears in his eyes. Lyra laughed and clicked past several frames of James looking like a total ass. Oh, what great black mail they would have.