But It's Better If You Do

what happened

Part 1

“ I hate you, you little freaker” i screamed as my long time boyfriend was trying to explain.

i was cuddling w/ my boyfriend ,Dylan mcclain, ‘til the blonde slut of the town came up to my boyfriend’s apartment door.

i was 19 and just found out that my b.f. was cheating on me. Oh the horror. Especially w/ the town slut. i stormed out w/o ymy shoes because i was so mad.

i ran as he screamed.

“I’m sorry I’m so sorry. Plz forgive me plz.

i ended up in a park just a couple miles from the nearest stage center, and i just started to sing my favorite song of all time, i sang. And i cryed.

“swing, swing, swing from the tangles of my heart is crushed by a former love...”

as i cryed my eyeliner ran. It covered my face and it didn’t make me feel any better. Actually it made me start to feel a little sick. Then i looked down and discovered i had no shoes and that made me feel worse. It wasn’t lyk it was the summer it was January a week after new years luckly the snow was melted by then.

i kept looking down at my feet in shame of how undignified i had left the house.

i looked up because i had heard a noise.

“oh my lord. Are you o.k.?”

“yea, I’m fine, but I am feelin’ a little sick, since I have practical water all over my face and it’s so windy it could blow a building down”

since it was so dark i could barley see who it was.

“come w/ me so ya don’t get sick.”

“I think I already am”

“let’s try to make sure you don’t get any worse”


he picked me up and i kinda blacked out. Next thing i knew i was being laid down in a bunk bed.

“huh? What? Wait what’s goin’ on. Huh?”

“well I don’t really kno. You were crying outside singing & swinging & crying. You were starting to look sick so I carried you in here so you wouldn’t get worse. You sing good, especially when you sing that song.”

i started to get my vision back and when i looked up i seen my dream guy and my nite in shining armor standing rite there in front of me.

“nick, nick wheeler. Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry you shouldn’t have carried me all the way here. I’m surprised you did. I’m fat.”

“non-sense you are skinny as a rail. By the way, why were you crying if you don’t mind me asking”

“naw, not at all”

“my boyfriend”

“I just found out he was cheating on me w/ the slut of the town”


“oh my gosh, “I’m homeless”


“my landlords only give me ten days leniet to pay my rent. I got fired from my job & couldn’t pay my rent. Today was the tenth day. I planned on staying w/ Dylan tonite but...”

“oh man, and I have no shoes, crap”

i was about to cry but held it back.

“well I think we could do something but I have to talk it over w/ Tyson”

“hey, by the way wut is your name”

“Michelle, Michelle Dawson”

“m.d. cool dude. Planning on being a doctor” Tyson laughed.

“well, no but nice try.”

“we’ll since you know me I’m guessing that you know everybody else”

“yea, I do”

“name ‘um chell name ‘um.” Tyson said or actually yelled.

“first, middle, last; first, last; or just first”

“you know 1st middle and last” (nick)


“do it” (guys)


“well first we have nickolas don wheeler then we have Tyson jay ritter then micheal brian kennerty then Christopher james gaylor.
“dude” they all said in unison.

i smiled as wide as possible.

“chris, dude, give chell a tour of the bus” (nick)

i walked off with chris w/ mike following close behind.

“dude, do we have an xtra bunk or something” (nick)

“yea, but somebody would have to sleep on the couch”(Tyson)

“I’ll do it I don’t care. She’s gonna get sick if we just leave her out there plus she’ll probably end up on a park bench somewhere. We don’t have the money to put her up in a hotel. What else can we do?”

“ok, we’ll give her a bunk” (ty)

“that’s a cool bus you guys”


“we decided to give you a bunk so where are your things since you moved out of the apartment’

“it’s all in my car, which is in front of the apartment. Why I didn’t drive I don’t know”

“but I want my shoes back and they’re in dylan’s apartment”

“well, we’ll just have to go in there and get them now won’t we” (nick)

i went to the apartment and rang dylan’s buzzer thing. He was so excited to hear me that he told me to come up. When i came up (i was w/ nick for reinforcements) i seen that son of a biscuit slut on top of that x-boyfriend of mine and i screamed in horror lyk i just had seen a ghost.

“this was your boyfriend. I cant believe u dated that.”

“yea well he seemed cool ‘til today”

“michelle I’m so sorry will you ever let me explain” (Dylan)

“no, just gimme my shoes back”

in the mean time the slut had spotted nick and was preparing to make her move.

“girl plz do you ever give it rest” (michelle)

“no, it’s practically my job”

“well you don’t get paid so quit it”

“who says I don’t”

“ur nasty and I’m leaving”

i grabbed my shoes and left.

i got down from the building and in front of my car.

“well wut do I need for how long”

“just bring everything” (nick)


“hold on stand still, you got an eyelash.”

He gently touched my face w/ the upmost care and removed the eyelash.

“make a wish”

as i thought about wut to wish for nick inched closer w/o me noticing. i made my wish and blew the eyelash off his finger. Still looking as where the eyelash fell he whispered.

“what did you wish for?”

turning to him i whispered.

“I can’t tell you it won’t...come...true” realizing how close he was to me and then...