But It's Better If You Do

why am i here

part 2

nick kissed me and my wish had come true.

“it’s sexy time” Tyson yelled.

we were still kissing at the time and nick waved him away. Realizing wut he had just walked in to he ran back into the tour bus and told everybody in there.

i grabbed my stuff and nick helped me and we went on the bus.

“OoOo” (from the movie “lilo and stitch”)

we both turned beet red and playfully punched Tyson.

i went in my bunk, pulled the curtain and was getting ready to change then all of the sudden a hand reached in my bunk and i screamed.

“here, wear this. I want to see you in it”

It was nick and his def leppard t-shirt. He didn’t peek so he didn’t see anything.

“my Lord, you scared me to...death”


“just give it to me and don’t peek and don’t let anybody else either”

“like I would let them”

i put it on and came out w/ frickin’ matching pants.

“OMG you’ve got matching pants”(nick)

“dude your not serious”, Tyson walked in to find the actual truth.

“you look hott”(nick)

“whoa baby” (chris and mike)

“thanks guys”

“I’m stealing your girlfriend, dude.” (mike)

“heck no don’t even go there”(nick)

“I’m going to bed y’all fight all ya want to just don’t keep me awake”

i went to my bunk but couldn’t sleep from all the excitement. Finally i got up to walk around, ipod in my ears. i walked to the front of the bus first and made small talk w/ the bus driver.

“new on the bus. Huh?” (bus driver)

“yea, but I can’t sleep”

“unlyk romeo back there. I’m surprised he can sleep lyk that.” (bus driver)

“he gave his bunk up for you. Look.”

i looked straight back and seen nick on the couch. i walked back there wondering wut to do. i decided to wake him up.

“nick, babe, wake up. Come w/ me. You shouldn’t have given ur bunk up for me. You can sleep on ur on bunk. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“no, look, if you don’t want me sleeping on the couch then we’ll sleep in the bunk together”

“you are so sweet” he was so unconceince that he didn’t hear me.

we slept in the bunk together all nite. When i woke up every one was standing in front of the bunk wanting to kno wut we had done. They had seen that the couch was abandoned and only one thing could explain wut happened to nick. Mike pulled the cutain back to discover us two cuddled up in a ball.


“huh? wait huh?”

we looked up to see EVERYBODY standing over me and nick. Finally i realized that it wasn’t a dream and it all had happened and i was really cuddled up w/ nick wheeler.

The thing was that i didn’t even kno if we were going out w/ each other. Nick soon answered that question. That nite after the show nick took me for a walk. we were in Stillwater so he knew where to walk. He took me on his favorite route to walk when he was younger. we ended up at an old football field on the 50 yard line.

“sit down”


memories started to rush back to me at when you first seen Dylan. i told nick about it.

“it was senior year & he was new. He was trying out for foot ball & he was the best one out of the team. No doubt he would make it. While he was trying out he spotted me. He was running to catch a ball for a touch down. He stumbled over his feet and fell, but he still caught the ball. Our first kiss was on the 50 yd line. Ever sice I’ve loved him…that is…until the other day."

“well prepare to make new memories on the Stillwater football field.”


“michelle, I’m not sure if we’re going out or not but if were not then will u go out w/ me?”

“are you kidding me”

he shook his head no

“of course”