By Mistake, Of Course

This is a story I've been thinking of writing for a while now. Please excuse whatever lame layout I have made unless you somehow think its good. Now on with the story! :)


Hi. My name is Annie. Annie Johnson.
There are a couple of things I want to tell you.
First, it was by mistake, of course.
Second, before this, I hated them.
Third, that night really changed my whole life.
Fourth, Joe Jonas is HOT... just had to throw that in...

Tonight is the annual Sleepover-Party-Of-Greatness-for-no-other-reason-than-to-stay-up-all-night. Okay, it's not annual. We have it at everyone's birthday parties. And there's six of us. My friends and I that is.

Annie, me.

So everytime time we have the SPOGFNORTTSUAN (hehe that sounds funny) we come up with a dare from each girl to each girl so we pretty much all get 5 dares. What will mine be?
We pretty much hate the Jons Brothers and think they're gay. But Joe is kinda hot. I might even go to a cencert just to see him. But I wear earmuffs, of course.
