Love Comes When Your Not Looking

Don't Break His Heart

“Wait,” Ryann called after Jordan as he walked towards the exit, “tonight?”
Jordan stopped and turned around, “Yes tonight,” he put their large suitcases down and grabbed both Ryann’s hands, “they really want to meet the girl I can’t stop talking about.” She looked at him nervously, “It’s going to be fine,” he smiled, “I promise.”
When he spoke those two words all of Ryann’s worries about meeting the Lange family disappeared and she exhaled a long breath. The two stepped out into the humid August air and immediately Ryann knew she was no longer in Pittsburgh. It was much quieter for starters, and a lot greener.
“Hey,” Jordan interrupted her thoughts, “I’m going to go get the car you wait here okay?”
Ryann nodded and sat down on the suitcases taking in more of her surroundings. Everyone seemed so happy and friendly here; people gave her small smiles and waves as they passed by, taking time out of their busy lives to greet a complete stranger. Ryann was pulled out of her thoughts once more by Jordan who was now standing in front of her wearing his Ray Ban sunglasses and a big smile. He easily loaded up their bags into the trunk of his dark blue soft top jeep while she placed the carryon bags into the bag seat and hopped in the passenger one herself.
Jordan glanced at Ryann while he was driving only to see her looking out the windows with that child like look he loved so much plastered on his face. He hated to do it but he grabbed her attention away from the scenery once more, “so we’ll get settled in, freshen up and then head to my parents house for 5, is that alright?”
Ryann nodded and put a small smile on her face only to have Jordan see right through it. He gently grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles before giving it a little squeeze and letting go.
“You don’t get car sick do you?” Jordan asked twenty minutes later. Ryann shook her head, “Good,” he said. Before she could get a chance to ask why he turned down a narrow dirt pathway and the drive became a little bumpy. Ryann, wanting to get the full effect of cottage life, turned the music off and opened her window, Jordan immediately followed suit.
Five minutes later the car came to a stop on a gravel driveway in front of a medium sized bungalow cottage. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t the biggest cottage because it was the most beautiful cottage Ryann had ever seen. It was light blue aluminum siding with big glass windows and a wraparound porch that opened up leading to a large, luscious front lawn. Ryann got out of the car and walked towards the front of the cottage. She was in complete awe. To the right of the front lawn, just attached to the first trees in the forest was a hammock that looked so comfortable Ryann was tempted to curl into its puffy pillows and take a nap. The grass suddenly turned into sand so Ryann slipped off her sandals and let the warm grains sink between her toes. She walked further towards the lake along the small private beach until she reached the water’s edge. She stood and let the very tips of the waves tickle her toes before taking a step into the surprisingly warm liquid. She walked along the water’s edge towards the long dock on the left side of the property. Taking a big step up Ryann made her way onto the dock and walked further out to the end. To her left was a large boat with green and white interior and to her right was a bright blue seadoo. Ryann looked out onto the small lake while the soft wind whipped her hair around her face.
She didn’t know how long she stood there before familiar hands wound their way around her waist, “What do you think?”
Ryann placed her hands on top of his, “This is the most beautiful place I have ever been.”
She felt Jordan chuckle behind her, “I’m glad you like it Ry.” She turned around in his arms and planted a small kiss on his lips, smiling, “want to come see the inside?” Ryann nodded vigorously and the two linked hands, heading up to the cottage.
Two hours later Ryann smoothed out her light blue sun dress and glanced in the mirror once more. “God,” she said, “I’m so nervous.”
Jordan emerged from the bathroom and smiled at her in the mirror, “First of all there is nothing to be nervous about, my family will love you, and secondly you look beautiful.”
Ryann blushed and turned around to plant a little kiss on his lips, “Thank you, you look quite handsome yourself.”
Jordan linked hands with her and walked towards the car. The 15 minute ride went by much too quickly for Ryann, who sat in the passenger seat playing with her fingers. When Jordan put the car in park her breathing began to pick up and her heart was practically beating out of her chest. He walked around the car, clearly sensing her worry and nervousness and opened the car door pulling her into his chest. “I told you Ry,” he said looking at her straight in the eyes, “they are going to love you.”
Just then the door to the small house flew open and a small boy ran out followed by a tiny girl. “Jojo!” the little boy exclaimed jumping into his arms.
“Hey buds,” he placed him back on the ground, “this is the girl I’ve been telling you about, Ryann, remember?”
The little boy cocked his head and looked at her, “Ryann is a boy’s name,” was all he said.
Jordan looked at his little brother mortified he had just said that and then to Ryann who had a huge smile on her face, “That’s exactly what I told my parents.” She winked and then continued, “whats your name?”
“Matt-chew,” he said smiling proudly.
“Well Matthew,” she bent down to his level sticking her hand out, “its very nice to meet you.”
Just then the tiny girl finally reached the group and wrapped her arms around Jordan’s knees, “Jo-din!” she exclaimed.
“Bella!” he called out lifting her into the air and swinging her around. He planted a little kiss on her nose and settled her in his arms turning his attention to Ryann. “Isabella, this is my girlfriend, Ryann, Ryann this little lady is Isabella.”
“Hi Isabella,” Ryann said, the little girl didn’t respond, “do you like Bella better?” The little girl nodded vigourously and Ryann smiled, “Bella it is then.”
“Jordan is that you?” A short lady wearing an apron emerged from the door. When she saw the scene outside she put a hand on her chest, “thank god, I thought those two ran out into traffic again! Get over here and give your mother a kiss.”
Jordan blushed and put Bella down, who immediately jumped into Ryann’s arms, and headed over to meet his mother. She hugged him tightly although she was much smaller than him and planted a little kiss on his cheek. She looked around his body and spotted Ryann, her face breaking out into an even bigger smile. “Oh my, Jordan when you said she was gorgeous you weren’t kidding,” she pushed her son out of the way and made a bee line for Ryann, who placed Bella carefully on the grass.
“Hi Mrs. Lange,” Ryann stuttered while reaching out a hand, “it’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Oh, don’t be silly,” she ignored Ryann’s offer and pulled her into a warm hug, “we hug in this household, and please, call me Stacey, Mrs. Lange is Paul’s mother.” Ryann gave a small chuckle already warming up to the small woman. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you, I’m so glad everything worked out,” she linked arms with Ryann and began to walk with her inside the house. Ryann glanced at Jordan who was just shaking his head laughing to himself. “PAUL! TYLER! GET DOWN HERE! Sorry dear,” she said apologetically to Ryann, “they have such awful manners.”
Just then a tall older man came walking down the stairs, he looked so much like Jordan it was scary. “What is it – Well hello there,” he said, “you must be Ryann.” She nodded, “pleasure to meet you, I’m Paul.” He said engulfing her into a friendly hug.
“It’s nice to meet you too, you have a lovely home.”
“Why thank you dear,” Stacey said from beside her. “Now where is that boy...”
Loud footsteps came flying down the stairs and Jordan came down the stairs. Only it wasn’t Jordan; it was a younger, shorter, less muscular version. Mini Jordan smirked that infamous Lange grin, “Nicely done Jo,” he said to his brother who was now making his way through the front door, “I’m Tyler,” he said blatantly giving her a once over, “if Jordan isn’t ever enough, you know where to find me,” he winked.
“Tyler!” his mother scolded slapping him lightly on the shoulder, “Just ignore him.”
“Buddy, you couldn’t even come close.” Jordan said pulling his brother into a head lock and dragging him into the living room.
Just then a buzzer went off from what Ryann assumed was the kitchen, “Oh, the potatoes! Make yourself at home Ryann.”
Ryann followed her into the kitchen, “is there anything I can do to help?”
“Well if you wouldn’t mind, could you cut some beans?”
A smile spread across Ryann’s face, “of course.”
The two ladies talked for what seemed like hours, about anything and everything while they made dinner and the rest of the Lange’s played out in the backyard. As Ryann was cutting the beans something caught her eye outside and she wandered over to the glass door to get a better look. There in the backyard was Jordan spinning his little sister around while her head was thrown back laughing wildly. He dipped her down in between his legs only to throw her up into the air and catch her in the comfort of his strong arms.
“You know you’re the first girl Jordan has ever brought home?” Ryann was startled by Stacey’s sudden appearance at her side, “He talks about you non-stop.” Just then Jordan turned and saw Ryann and his mother watching and he gave them a big smile before going back to play with Bella. “He really loves you, you know.”
Ryann smiled and watched as Jordan wrestled with his youngest brother, “I know. I love him too.”
“Good,” Stacey gripped Ryann’s forearm lightly causing her to face her, “Just do me a favour and don’t break his heart okay?”
Ryann smiled, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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Wow, its been so longg ! Sorry about that guys.
I have had a really busy summer but I'm hoping to update a little bit more now.
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Lee xox.