Status: Hiatus. Sorry to the few readers that I might still have! No motivation. :(



After a few minutes after Josh had left, Bill walked over to Haiden.

"You know, after thinking about it, you kind of look familiar," Bill said, looking at her closely. It almost made her feel uncomfortable.

"Uh, wish I could say the same,"

"Did you go to a club?"

"I did a few nights ago, yeah." She said, trying to think back to that night. She couldn’t remember seeing Bill at all.

"Were you with my brother?" He asked. She looked at him confused.

"I told you I didn’t know your brother, remember?" She hated lying to him.

"Oh yeah. Well, he has dread locks, really baggy clothes, he hit on you." He listed while counting his fingers as he said each thing. His eyebrow rose as he said the last one.

She couldn’t lie her way out of this one. "Oh! Yeah. I think I remember. Why?" Well, she's not lying, now.

"Did you turn him down?" By now, Andi was standing next to Bill, who had his folded arms rested on the counter, listening in.

"Yeah." She said almost quietly.

Bill's faced suddenly had a smirk on it.

"So you're the reason why he wasn’t in such a good mood that day, huh?" Bill asked. Andi's face had a shock to it. Someone actually turned Tom down?

"I put him in a bad mood? Well, he'll be okay. I don’t really appreciate someone be with a group of girls that are throwing themselves at him, then he come over to me and hit on me, then go back to the girls. Playboy's are not my flavor." She said as she sorted out a few papers. She was almost angry. Her heart dropped a little at the thought that she was just there to make sure he got a good fuck.

"Damn girl, tell him." Andi laughed.

"Wow. He's not always like that. Just when he's at clubs or in public, mostly. At home, he's just...Tom. He likes cracking jokes, listening to music, playing music and being normal." This news shocked her. He plays music as well? She was going to ask, but she decided against it. She didn’t want to seem too interested.

Haiden glanced at the clock and saw that it was five minutes till closing time.

"Guys, I'd love to continue this conversation, but there's five minutes left. We need to get everything ready for tomorrow." She said while straightening up a few things here and there, as did the other two.

Four minutes passed and they were all ready to head out of the door.

"Well, I'm leaving. Bill, great job on your first day." She said and walked out of the door. It was Andreas' turn to lock up and Bill probably stayed behind with him. Their boss leaves about thirty minutes early, so they didn’t have to worry about him.

As she was walking to her car, she decided she was hungry. It was only ten at night, so there would be places open. It wasn’t a wise choice, but she went to McDonalds. Going through the drive through and eating on her way home, she passed the club they went to. As she passed by, she saw Tom there, hanging out with his friends, not noticing as she drove by.

With a sigh, she guided her attention to driving and trying to eat successfully.

After arriving at her shared apartment, she grabbed her trash and bag and walked into her home, throwing the trash away.

"Hey Hai." Alicia called from the couch, focused on the TV screen. Haiden threw her bag and keys into the table next to the door.

"Hey Leesh." She replied, flopping down onto the couch next to her best friend.

"How was work?" Alicia asked after a commercial came on.

"We have a new worker," She said as she laid her head back and closed her eyes.


"Guess who it is."

"That Josh guy." Alicia smiled.

That made Haiden laugh. "No, but he did stop by. We're going out tomorrow for lunch."

"Ooooh. You have a date!" Alicia cooed.

"Yeah, yeah." She said, laughing.

By then, Alicia's TV show came back on, so her attention back on that.

"Bill Kaulitz." Haiden said after a few minutes of silence. Alicia suddenly looked at the red head.

"As in...?"

Haiden nodded her head. "Yep. Tom's brother."


"Yeah. I didn’t know he had a brother. He's way more decent than Tom, that’s for sure."

"Well, you don’t know that for sure." Haiden sighed.

"Why does everyone keep telling me that? Bill told me today that Tom's a decent person." By now, Haiden was sitting up, looking at the black haired girl.

"He might be. You never gave him a chance." She rolled her eyes at her best friend.

"Because he's a fucking player! I don’t want to date a player!" She threw her hands up in the air for exaggeration. This made Alicia smirk.

"I never mentioned dating him. I was just talking about making friends with him."

Haiden glared at her.

"Damn you, bitch. I'm going to bed." She mumbled and started walking to her room.

"I think someone has a crush." Alicia sang. Her only response from Haiden was the finger.

After Haiden was all washed up and change, lying in her bed, thoughts flooded her mind. Why was Tom always brought up in conversations now? It’s getting pretty irritating. She then wondered why he was always in her thoughts. I'll never meet the kid again, so why think about him this much? Because that’s how players are, she thought. They flirt with you and slowly get you to like them, then you'll see them with other girls and you automatically get jealous. They then come back to you and flirt with you more, and then you'll end up basically falling in love with them. Then they completely crush you by actually dating another girl and still flirt with you. They're all the same.

As the same thoughts ran through her mind, she finally fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Blah. I suck at updating :/
Comment please?