Midnight Walk


She slowly woke up, not groggy but thean again not really quick either, she guessed it was because she had had enough of the places changing so quickly and the days just going too quickly for her. It seemed as if there was never any time for her to sit there and digest her situation properly.
Feeling bandages near her head she turned her head, but couldn't see them and she frowned in thought.
Then the memory came back to her in a flood of memories.
Reese had come in and had tricked her, getting close enough to bite her.
Slowly she brought her hand up to her neck and touched the bandages, that she could feel was thick with blood.
Slowly she sat up looking around, she honestly didn't know where she was, let alone what town she was in, seeming that she had been kidnapped by her own boyfriend.
What was going on? she had no clue what so ever, but she knew that whatever just happened it wasn't a good idea to get on Reese's bad side.
Getting out of bad she walked around the room making sure that every other part of her was still attached to her and working just fine.
Just as she sat down the door opened and in came the guy from school, the one that had pulled Trent off of her.
She gasped.
'I'm sorry if i startled you i was just coming to check up on you,' he said to try and calm me.
'Reese?' i questioned.
'Is wounded, he started to drink your blood and i threw him off you. I had to attend to you as quickly as possible... you lost a lot of blood.'
She sat down on the bed again, 'but Reese...'
'He is after you, we are holding him back, you are at risk right now,' he said.
She looked at him her eyes wide, 'i must go back to Reese.'
He shook his head, 'you don't get it...'
'NO! YOU don't get it! he is my boyfriend and i must remain loyal to him!' she yelled at him.
'He will kill you Teresa!' he said.
She stopped at her name being said, 'i will remain loyal to him as he is my boyfriend.'
Turning she went out the door and running away from the building, not really knowing where she was going.
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