Midnight Walk


'AN DON'T COME RUNNING TO ME WHEN YOU HAVE A PROBLEM TOMORROW TERESA!,' my father yelled up the steps as i slammed my bedroom door.
'I hate him, i hate him, i hate him,' i murmerred to myself over and over again.
I changed into my night dress and slipped into bed, curling up. Why did he have to be such a pig head? i asked myself.
I sighed as i rolled over trying to sleep, but it was hopeless and i got up an sat at the piano in my room, flicking my computer on as i went past.
I sat down and started to play not knowing what song i was playing, it was when the comptuer beeped to say that i had messages did i realise that i was playing a sad love song.
I stopped and glowered at myself, why did i get the feeling that Reesedid not love me? Maybe it was tonight as he left without a glance back or a kiss goodbye.
I punched myself up inside, i shouldn't be thinking things like that. It was wrong i shouldn't doubt Reese for one minute not even a second, of course he loved me.
I got up to read my emails and i swore something passed my window as a shadow flicked across my screen, i spun around on my chair but saw nothing.
I got up and looked out of the window, but there was nothing there and i shut my window just to be sure, flicking the lock catch closed.
I sat down at my computer and started to read thoose chain mails you got, ones i was not bothered to read until i couldn't sleep or do anything.
I ended up typing up my english assignment full of boredom and finishing my math prep.
I sighed an rocked back in my chair, oh what the hell why dont i go for a shower while im at it, i thought to myself and got up.
I grabbed my towel of the chair and went into my bathroom, i turned on the hot water tap and waited for it to go steaming hot.
I brushed my hair to get all the tangles out, brushed my teeth and got undressed.
Stepping into the hot shower my muscles relaxed as the hot water squirted on me, messaging my muscles and getting all the tension out of them.
Grabbing the shampoo, i washed my head, rubbing it in and then washing it out.
I grabbed my towel an wrapped it around me, turning off the tap and stepping out, i applied a fresh coat of black nail polish and waited for it dry.
Why can't i sleep, i couldn't figure it out.
I sighed and got dressed again.
As i stepped into my room a cold breeze made me shiver and i looked at the open window.
Frowning i went over and closed it, i thought i had locked it, i shurgged i must have imagined it.
Slowly i got into bed and i eased into sleep finally.
But just before i was fully asleep i thought i felt someone caress my face but i wasn't sure and fell into a deep slumber.
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