Midnight Walk


Teresa walked out of the hairdressers, her hair now cut shoulder lengh and had to get layers put in, her eyes had pricked with tears.
She mentally told herself to get use to it, as since Nick had gone she would get more treatment like that.
Sighing she walked into the park and sat down at the swings, dangling her legs. She didn't want to go home yet not right now. Her dad would have a fit of her having her hair cut short, but there was nothing she could do about it.
Looking up, she noticed that a black blanket thing had sort of covered the sky, she frowed thats not right.
She got off the swing and tried to look at it from different angles, there was something definately not right. It was like some sort of solid ting, it definately wasn't the sky.
What was going?
She quickly ran over to the gate but the black object had swooped down in front of her, so she turned towards the forest on the other side of the park.
Running she was knocked down and as it was just about to grab hold of her.
Another black figure had joined the other one except they were fighting each other, her eyes widened.
Shit what have i gotten myself into? she asked herself.
Digging her hands into hee pockets, she lowered her head and ran away from whoever it was.
She fell over a couple of times, scraping her palms but she kept rnning until she reached her house.
She quickly stepped in and closed the door, breathing heavily.
'So the late bird arrives!' annouces her drunk father.
Teresa glances up fear, as her father's breath smelled very strongly of alcohol.
She escapes one dangerous situation to another whell will god ever pity her and stop doing this to her? she asked herself.
He looked down at her, 'you bitch where have you been?! Fucking off with other guys i see, getting your hair fucking cut. what did i tell you about your FUCKING HAIR?!!
'i... i...' she screamed as her father laid the boot into her.
curling up she prayed it would end soon.
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