All Hope Is Gone


FF>> 1 Month
The guys of Slipknot had to leave the girls for a month while on tour, it should have been longer but Joey wasn’t allowed to leave Petunia for longer than 1 month. “I’m gonna miss you so much” Joey said to her and kissed her on the lips “I missing you already” she said back. He got onto his knees and started rubbing her stomach “See you soon little one” he said and kissed her stomach & she giggled, he stood back up again and him and Petunia shared one last kiss “Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Hurry up! We gotta go man!” Corey shouted from the car “I love you” Joey said to her for his final goodbye “I love you too” she said back and he kissed her on the cheek and walked over to the car, he got in and shut the door, waving first.
As she saw them speed off, she turned back round and walked into the house, she would have to occupy herself for 1 month now, with the girls’ help of course. She places herself down on the sofa and Autumn walked in, 2 coffees in hand, she handed one to Petunia and sat down next to her. “What’s up?” she asked her “Nothing, I’m just gonna miss Joey” she said back “Yeah, I’m gonna miss Jim too” Autumn put her arm round Petunia and let her lean against her, Petunia smiled and Autumn smiled and winked back at her.
“Candy Cane Partay time!” Helen yelled from upstairs and everyone jumped up!
“Yay, we haven’t had one of those in years” Christina screamed. Azrael drove them down to the store and they went in, Petunia jumped into a trolley and sat down in it “You have to push me! I’m tired” she said, all of a sudden she sped off, she turned round and saw Stephanie running around holding onto the cart.
She just laughed and that turned into a laughing fit.
“Candy aisle” she screamed and almost everyone looked at her, she giggled and ran off with the cart, with Petunia in and the girls followed. The girls bought numerous amounts of Candy Canes and went home. They also ate numerous amounts of Candy Canes that night and were so full, they all slept downstairs on a couch or on the floor.