Because These Words Were Meant For You

.23 Because These Words Were Meant For You

“Aye, aye, aye,” I whined, tugging on Dillon’s elbow as we walked through Target. “I wanna go home.”
“We have to get baby shit,” He grumbled, lacing his fingers with mine as he dragged me towards the back of the store. “You’re almost five months along, we really need to start working on the nursery.”
“But I don’t wanna!” I cried, stomping my foot like a little baby. “Oh!” I stopped, gasping loudly and pointing at a pack of blue onesies with little animals on the front of them. “These are so cute!”
“Nah,” He smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist as he leaned down and resting his chin on my shoulder. “You’re so cute.”
“I love you,” I smiled, leaning up to peck his cheek as I set the onesies back down. “You’re gonna kill yourself doing that baby. You’ll get a crick in your back or something.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” He chuckled, standing up straight and stretching out. “You’re so fucking short.” He grinned, laying a good, hard spank to my fanny. “I love you too.”
“Whoa,” I moaned, grabbing my bum and biting my bottom lip, looking around for anyone in sight. “Oh, you better be happy there isn’t anyone nearby.”
“They can eat shit.” He grinned, his rough, large hands rubbing my butt as he stood behind me. “What do we even need?”
“Umm,” I looked around, ticking off things in my head. “We need a travel pack.”
“What’s that?” He frowned, wrapping his tattooed arm around my waist. “Like, shit for the hospital and stuff?”
“We’re gonna need that too. But no, a Travel Pack is like, a stroller and carseat. They normally come together in like, a pack. Cause you get the same design and stuff.” I took him into an aisle and pointed out a Travel Set. “See?”
“I get ya,” He looked at the box, reading the different qualifications it had and items it came with. “It’s pink though.”
“Baby, that’s only one of the many.” I giggled loudly, shaking my head and pointing at the one next to it. “That’s dark and light blue. It’s cute.”
“Is everything pink and blue?” He groaned, looking around the aisle and shaking his head. “Why isn’t there any black shit?”
“Cause it’s a baby!” I shot back, shaking my head and picking at the blue box. “I don’t know. Because that’s how it’s been for so long and people don’t want to change it and make the baby gender confused.”
“Jesus Christ,” He ground out, chuckling softly as he placed his palm on the small of my back. “The poor baby.”
“Ah,” I shrugged, looking around. “It’s not like they really know or care.”
“They have green!” He grinned and ran over to the green carseat, pointing at it like it was tits in a beauty bar.
“It looks like puke.” I shook my head, shaking my pointer finger at him. “Uh uh.”
“So? Green is better than only blue and pink.”
“I don’t like it! And it’s like…twice the price. We’re on a budget too, Dillon. We’re not rich and this shit really adds up quick. Everything like this,” I motioned to the carseats, strollers, jumpers, highchairs, and playpens. “It’s all a hundred dollars and up a piece. You have to be careful and shop around, otherwise we’ll be spending five thousand dollars on things he might only be able to use for a year or two.”
“Seriously?” He pushed the box backwards, tipping it to see the line of price tags on the shelf. “Jesus Christ. Holy fucking shit. Let’s go.”
“Dillon!” I yelled, frowning at him and putting my hand on my hip, tapping my foot against the concrete floor rapidly. “Not fucking funny.”
“That’s a lot of fucking money, Autumn.”
“Yeah, so I’ll put my paycheck to it and we’ll buy in intervals. We don’t have to get it all at one time.”
“I don’t want to get any of it at all. It’s fucking plastic.”
“It’s for our baby! Dillion, I don’t like it either. I wished it was a dollar a piece, but it’s not. And I’m not putting my baby in garage sale things. You have no idea where those have been or what’s happened in them. Please, we don’t have to get everything right here. There’s a lot of things that you can buy, but you only need a few of them. We need to get what we need and then from there, we can play it by year. But we need a crib, we need a stroller and carseat, we need clothes, we need a changing table, and we need a playpen and highchair of some sort.”
“Alright, fine.” He sighed, leaning into me as he grumbled in my ear. “Let’s pick stuff out.”
“Yeah, let’s.” I rubbed his back and leaned up to peck his cheek. “Then we can go home and eat and sleep and get kinky. Alright?”
“Damn, I like that idea.” He grinned, clasping his hands together and twitching his feet. “Where do we start.”
“Making decisions.” I pointed at the two different Travel sets that I liked, one blue and the other brown and blue. “Which do you like better by look?”
“Blue and brown one,” He tilted back the box and grinned. “It’s got better stats then the other one and it’s cheaper.”
“Good job baby, step one done.” I smiled, pecking his cheek and giving him a thumbs up, watching as he put the box in the cart. “We’re gonna need a few of these.”
“Ha,” He laughed loudly, shaking his head and staring at all the different things. “You can say that again.”
“We’re gonna need a few of these.” I giggled loudly, smiling as his loud, rumbling laughter filled the aisle.
God, I loved him so much.
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Cutesy wootsey filler? =]