So Far Away

This is a one shot which I was inspired to write after reading The Way and Fish Camp's story "Matters of the Heart" where Gerard Way and Frank Iero are in a tragic accident leaving Gerard brain dead and Frank desperately in need of a heart transplant.

It is based off the first 5 chapter's of their story and unless you've read it you will have absoultely no idea what the hell this story is about. So, I highly reccomend you go read it. "Matters of the Heart" It absolutely blew me away.

Their word's really stuck a cord in me and I was inspired to write, what I think, is my most powerful piece of literature I have ever done. Thanks to The Way and Fish Camp who are amazing authors.

This one shot is based on Gerard's point of view. Because after reading Matters of the Heart I was left thinking What about Gee?

So I give you, So Far Away.

Enjoy! Please comment.

Disclaimer: I do not own MCR, or this story line. The storyline belongs to The Way and Fish Camp. All speaking parts of Mikey & Frank in bold were the parts not written by me and taken from the original story.