Purple Rain


Sarah’s POV

I tapped my fingers on the limousine’s door handle along with the music, my head blank and my mouth hanging open.

“Junior?” I said suddenly.

“Yes, Miss Miller?” the driver answered instantly keeping his eyes on the road.

“Where is my mother?”

“She headed for the airport a while ago, Miss” he mumbled reluctantly, like if that wasn’t supposed to be said.

“That bitch...” I punched her mentally, not caring how far she was from me at this moment. My mother, the one I had loved for more than twenty years, was now a stranger... I started whimpering for the second time that night.
The car made its way across the highway, it went past Rodeo Drive and continued a few meters ahead, turning right at Eastham Drive.

My house came to sight right away, glowing in the dark with its bright, spotless façade. A good-looking servant stood waiting at the entrance, holding my black slippers in one hand and a Fiji water bottle on the other.
Junior exited the car and hurried to open my door, he helped me out and said, “Miss Miller, I offer my most deep condolences for your father’s incident”.

I sighed in reply and snatched my things from the servant’s hands, putting the slippers on and heading inside, “Where’s Daisy?”

“She’s upstairs, in your room... I believe” the same servant answered.

I stared at him for a moment and trudged up to him, placing my hands on his tie, pulling it playfully, “Why haven’t I seen you around before?”

He blushed deeply, lowered his head and took a step back from me. “I started working here this morning, ma’am”.

“Oh please, call me Sarah. No ‘Ma’am‘ needed for you.”

“Yes, M... Sarah”

“You have a name, handsome?”


I bit my lip at his reply and became closer again, brushing his face with the back of my hand, barely touching him. I noticed his shiver and whispered, “You can come to my room later, if you want to...”

His muscles tensed and he managed to nod. I smiled widely and left him standing by himself. I went upstairs and into my room, finding Daisy placing my clean pajamas under the biggest pillow.

“Good evening, Miss Sarah”, she stood next to my king-sized bed, tracing a soft smile on her face, “the new Vogue magazine is on your nightstand and the clothes you shopped this morning are already placed in the correct section of your closet. Anything else I can do for you tonight?”

“Everything’s cool, Daisy, thank you so much. You can leave now”, she immediately hurried out the double-door entrance and closed each carefully.

I entered my walking closet and opened the red underwear drawer. I wasn’t planning to wear pajamas today. I chose the lingerie randomly and stripped to put it on. I fixed my make up and sprayed some Nina Ricci on my chest and wrists. As I brushed my teeth, I heard a couple of knocks on my door; I hurried to spit the toothpaste. I grabbed my silk robe and put it on.

When I was about to touch the doorknob, the doors flew open and Alexander threw himself over me, kissing me hungrily. He snatched my robe off and closed the doors with his foot. I hadn’t been able to take a breath when we were both naked under the covers.

“What happened to the shy servant?”

“You turned him on”

His moaning interrupted my chuckle. What an amateur, he had reached his peak before the hardcore. We finished the sex session quickly and he left with a blink of an eye. I sighed, frustrated, as I laid nude on the disaster I called my bed. Although I knew it was around four in the morning, I decided to take a shower. I dragged my feet to the oversized bathroom and jumped under the sprinkling water. I followed the daily process in robot motion and finished in ten minutes or so. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. Minutes later, clean and freshened-up, I made my bed all over again and sat on the border, pondering.


“Sex hair?”, my brother mumbled to me as he served some Honey and Oats in a bowl.

“Excuse me?” I shot a mortal glare at him, trying to warn him with my eyes what could happen to him if he continued.

“Oh, I have to repeat? What I asked was, is that sex hair?” William repeated.

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” I held the glare.

“But it’s true, though… isn’t it?”, he smiled triumphantly and devoured a spoonful of cereal.

I nodded discretely and added in a whisper, “But I took a bath after, how can you tell?”

“Perhaps the banging in the walls and those strange moans gave you away”, he half-yelled.

Daisy and some servants, including Alexander, winced and turned to look at me timidly.

I snapped my fingers and sneered, “Focus on your work! This is non of your business.”

“Sheesh, woman… Calm down” he stood up and placed his dirty plates in the sink. He approached and whispered before leaving, “Six hundred that it was Alexander”

I huffed and exited the kitchen, leaving half of my breakfast uneaten on the table.

Although I had the whole day free, I decided I’d hang around the neighborhood for a while. I entered my closet and chose and outfit, dressed up and fixed my hair neatly.

“Ini, mini, miney, mo… these” I slid the winning shades on and locked the closet doors.

Minutes later, I climbed into my black Porsche and started it. I turned the radio on up to high volume and slicked some lip-gloss with the help of the rear view mirror. “Oh my God, an oldie!” I shrieked and clapped happily as Waterloo by Abba blasted on the radio. I drove on the highway and yelled along with the music, winning some stares at every red light.

“At Waterloo, Napoleon did surrender! Oh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar way!” I turned right and parked in front of the same Starbucks I had visited last night. I grabbed my handbag and stepped out, locking my car with the little remote annexed with the keys. I went inside and headed for the counter as I rummaged inside my purse for my wallet. I picked one of the hundred bills and tucked it safely in my vest’s front pocket.

“Welcome to Starbucks Coffee, can I have your order?”

“I’ll have a… Vanilla Latte with…mint shot, low fat milk and no whipped cream, please.”

“Three dollars and fifty cents”

I placed the bill in the counter and giggled at the employee’s face. “Yeah umm..” I coughed, trying to hide my laughter, “I hope you’ve got change”.

She smiled nervously and emptied the cashier, literally. I ended up pissed off and carrying a Starbucks paper bag full of quarters and pennies.

I sat in a brown couch in the farthest corner and sipped now and then at my coffee.

“At least we have something in common”, the familiar voice scared the crap out of me; I started coughing uncontrollably. Oh great, there he was again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Let's give our new character a warm welcome!! William will be portrayed by Henry Cavill

I'm so sorry for the slight delay lovely readers and subs!

Sarah's lingerie
Second day's outfit
