Goodbye My Almost Lover

Goodbye My Almost Lover

William Beckett sat at a park bench at exactly twelve noon. She was late again… but what was new about that. William tapped his foot nervously. The longer she took to get here, the longer he would have to sit in his own misery debating whether or not he was about to do the right thing. He glanced up and down the parkway again searching for one face only. To his dismay, she still wasn’t there. William looked down at his watch, noting that she was almost over 40 minutes late.

“Common Talim…” he muttered to himself as images of what could have happened to her flashed across his mind.

Taking one more glance down the path he caught a glimpse of a tiny frame weaving in and out of people, speeding towards him. William stood only to be greeted by a petite girl with fiery red hair, running full force at him, ending up with them both on the ground.

“Talim.” William smiled at her on top of him. His smile slowly fell from his face as he realized what had to happen next. He pushed her off of him, got up, and proceeded to help Talim to her feet. Once they were both fully vertical, William walked back to the bench and sat where he had before. Seeing his smile disappear Talim walked slowly over to William with a cautious smile.

“William?” She questioned, standing in front of him. He continued to hang his head and avoid her gaze. Grabbing for one of his hands, Talim stroked it slowly hoping it would soothe him and he would share whatever was bothering him.

“I –I think you s-should sit d-down” he stuttered and pulled his hand free from hers. Her own smiled now vanishing. Talim sat next to William on the park bench waiting for him to continue.

“What’s wrong?” Talim finally asked after becoming impatient with waiting for William. William turned to her and picked up both of her bony hands in his own and looked her straight in the eyes.

“Talim…I can’t do this anymore. I love you. I do. Just remember that as I say this okay?” he paused and looked away for a moment, then returned to her heartbreaking green eyes. She nodded when he didn’t continue. “Talim, I-I can’t b-be with you a-anymore. Un-until you g-get your act straightened out and get s-some real help, I can’t be around you anymore.” Talim’s lower lip started quivering as William finished. It killed William enough to see her cry, but to know that he was the reason to her tears made him want to rip out his heart. He kissed her lightly on the lips and squeezed her hands once more before walking away from the park bench. Away from his almost lover.

“Goodbye my almost lover. Goodbye my hopeless dream.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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title credit - A fine Frenzy