The Rising Sunset

The instruments of darkness tell us truths...

I always knew something was wrong with me.

Thunder broke through the silence, shaking the world around me. Lightning soon followed, spewing out of the clouds and across the black purple sky. For a split second everything was bright and clear. Just like my old life.

I was different. I knew that.

My sight wasn't poor and horrid like most mortals'. I saw everything and more in the short time the light provided me with. I could see that the grass beneath my feet was long and pure; the perfect shade of green. I could see that it twisted wildly around my ankles as the wind roared violently through the almost still night.

I also saw the snow white owl in front of me. It wasn't scared off by the weather like most animals. It had might as well been a statue by the way its motionless body rested on the tree's thick thriving branches. Its black piercing eyes speared through me; stunning yet able to mesmerize at the same time.

You don't know me, but I know you. All humans are the same. Each just a mindless puppet with the essential looks on the outside. So vulnerable.

The gray clouds frosted the sky and masked the moon, hiding it away from me. My jaw set and I cocked my head to the side in one quick movement. My mouth opened ever so slightly. I was lethal now. No match for the ever so confident looking owl.

I wasn't always like this. Normalcy was once apart of my soul. So was humanity. But they've both seem to have left me. They went hand-in-hand, walking away into the sunset happy as can be, leaving me in the dark as I get swallowed up by the monster I resign as currently.

Every movement I made was a flash of quickness; a blur. One second I stood frozen, captivated in this creature's gaze, and in the next, I was sprinting towards the King's Great Majestic Defender.

I wasn't so savage that I actually planned on killing the beautiful bird. For I only seek its feathers; so magnificent and white they put pearls to shame.

So it was not my blunder to miss the owl. When I pounced, I only meant to get so close that I received a few feathers from its tail as it flew off in a panic.

Help me.