The Rising Sunset

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come...

I run through the field of sunflowers, enjoying the smell and feel of summer. The petals of the yellow flowers brush against my cheeks. The day is so nice out. The sky is cloudless and the sun is shining brightly. The cerulean sky makes my brother's eyes look bluer than ever the way it reflect down on them.

My brother. I sigh. He is my hero. His name even means hero. Conlin--he stands in front of me, smiling widely. He waves me to follow him.

"Lullaby," he sings in his smooth and comforting voice. He's starting to get more and more ahead of me. I push past the sunflowers; they seem to be getting taller and taller.

"Lullaby," he repeats. And he is now out of sight. I hear a yell and then everything is still. My ears ring from the muted sound. The slight wind stops, and so does my brothers voice.

I start panicking. Then when I push past the next row of sunflowers, the atmosphere has changed and I don't know what to do.

The sky is now overcast. And the field in front of me is on fire. The rest of the sunflowers in the field are burnt down. I scream. The sight is frightening. There are caped figures everywhere. One of them is holding Conlin. I'm about to scream again but before anything escapes my throat, the old holding him takes out his sword and--

"CONLIN!" I shout at the top of my lungs. Too late. "Nooo!" I fall to my knees. And I know they notice me there then. There's a quick and sharp blow to the side of my face and I fall over on my side. I feel a warm liquid drip leak down my head. Where I lay I can see Conlin on the ground also. The only difference between our limp bodies is the amount of blood around us and the fact that his body will never regain conscious.

I whimper and another blow hits my face. I try to ask, "Why?" but only a weak painful whisper comes out.

And then I see a bright light. It only lasts a few seconds but when I can see again the caped figures and flames are gone and another person stands above me.

"Save me," are the words I try to push out. " me."

The person touched my forehead and another sharp pain coursed through me.

I screamed and shot up from my bed. My breathing pattern was ragged and shallow. Sweat dripped down my face. With a shaky hand I touched my forehead gently. I tried to catch my breath. It didn't work.

Why do I even bother sleeping? It's just the same every night.