The Rising Sunset

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks...

There was no way I was going to get back to sleep now. So I got up out of my bed and decided to walk around.

The hallways weren't dark to my eyes, but I guess to any other humans it would be pitch black here. My pace was extremely slow; I was in no hurry at all. I was mainly just tying to calm myself and slow my heart rate.

I was walking around for five minutes until I heard voice. Obviously it wasn't any ghosts--it sounded like Ayrick. His voice got louder as I approached his room. Who is he talking to? Himself? I wouldn't be surprised.

I was just about to barge into his room when another voice topped me dead in my tracks. I could hear Aradia's giggle all to clearly from Ayrick's room.

The door was cracked open. I was no eavesdropper but I had to find out what the hell Aradia was doing in Ayrick's room.

I peaked in and almost screamed. I saw Ayrick and Aradia sitting on the bed. Ayrick had both hands in her dress cupping her breasts gingerly. She had her head angled back as he trailed his mouth across her skin. Aradia let out moan.

My jaw dropped. No matter how good my eyes were, I just couldn't believe them.

I backed away from the door and ran down the hall, fuming.