Status: A work in progress. Updates take a while. Sorry :)

When I'm With Him, I Am Thinking Of You.


“PEYTON!” My best friend, Alisuh, screamed at me. I sighed and rolled my eyes, ignoring her shouts.

I sat in the chair, facing the mirror, looking at my dolled up face, pretty much disgusted with myself. I wasn’t sure if I could go through with this. I didn’t want to disappoint my friends, my family, and most of all, the man who was madly in love with me, who I’d been betraying for the past few months.

I sighed, stood up from the chair, smoothed out my gorgeous white wedding dress, and opened the door to seal my fate.

As I walked out the door, Alisuh ran up to me with a worried look on her face.
“Peyton, dear, are you sure you want to go through with this?”

Ali had just recently found out of my relationship with the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. She was the only one I could tell, who would understand what I felt and not judge me.

I sighed. “Ali, her and I just can’t be together anymore. I love Jericho.” I lied, and I could tell by the look on her face, she knew I wasn’t telling the truth, but she trusted my judgment, and nodded her head.
She grabbed my arm, sighed, and said, “Well, lets get this thing rollin’ then!” She smiled a fake smile, and led me to the doors, where my father was standing to greet me.

From inside, I heard the organ start playing. The doors opened, and the flower girl walked up the aisle, followed by the ring bearer, and the bridesmaids.
My father turned to me, smiled, kissed my cheek and started to lead me down the red carpet that was laid down between the church benches.

I saw his smiling face, and something inside of me broke. I realized that this is what I had to do, for the good of everyone else around me. It didn’t even really matter if it was what I truly wanted, as long as others were happy.

The walk down the aisle was the longest, most agonizing process that I’ve ever went through. We finally reached the end. My father kissed me cheek once more, and went to sit down. I assumed my position opposite the man who would be my husband in a few minutes.

The priest started talking, and I tuned him out, put on a fake smile and stared into Jericho’s happy face. When his lips started moving in the form of ‘I Do’, I turned my attention away from him, and to the crowd as they awaited my answer.

My eyes fell upon hers, her face etched with sorrow and despair. My own face etched into confusion as to what she was doing here, at my wedding.
I quickly tore my eyes from hers, and turned my gaze to the urgent smile of the man in front of me.

I whispered ‘sorry’, hiked up my dress, and did the only thing I could think to do.
I ran.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story will kind of be going back in time.
So the next chapter will start off where it all began when she first met Shamaya.