Status: A work in progress. Updates take a while. Sorry :)

When I'm With Him, I Am Thinking Of You.


“Jericho, stop!” I giggled as I ran away from the man who was trying to tickle me.

“C’mon hun, I’m trying to get ready for our night out.” I smiled as he caught me and turned me around in his arms so I was facing him. He captured my lips in light kiss and I melted into his touch. He pulled away and rested his forehead upon mine.

“Tonight is going to be perfect, Peyton” He smiled, kissed me, and released his grip on my body so I could go continue to get ready for the surprise he had planned for tonight.

I shot him a grin and ran up the stairs to our bedroom and locked the door behind me so he couldn’t disturb me anymore.
He wouldn’t let me know where we were going, or what we were doing. All he told me was to dress formal.

I stepped into our bathroom that connected to our room and applied my makeup. Once I was satisfied with my hair and face, I stepped back into our room and faced the outfit he left on the bed for me.
A short ruffled black dress, black heels, and a gorgeous music note necklace.
I sighed to myself and smiled as I pulled on the outfit. Jericho was gorgeous, and he had great taste, what more could a girl want?

I unlocked the door, and made my way down the spiral staircase, that led to our living room and foyer, to see Jericho standing by the door, waiting for me in a tux.
I smiled and let him take my arm and lead me out the front door and to his black BMW. He opened the door for me, I climbed in and waited patiently for him to get behind the wheel and start driving.
When we were on our way down the road, he looked over at me and smiled.
“Jericho” I sighed. “Where are we going?”

He didn’t say a word, just smirked and continued driving. I sighed and sat back in my seat, a little pissed off because I had no idea where we were headed. I don’t like it when I have no idea what’s going on.
After about a 20 minute drive, Jericho pulled into the parking lot of a very expensive restaurant.

I gasped. “Jericho! How the Hell are we supposed to afford this?”
Again, he just smirked, handed his keys to the valet, and led me inside to a small table in the very back room of the restaurant, which had a view of the ocean.
We ordered our food, and talked about random things while waiting to be served.

Halfway through dinner, after we’d already gotten our meals, Jericho sighed, set his fork down and smiled at me as I munched on my lobster dinner.
He waited until I was done chewing and took my hands in his across the candlelit table.

“Peyton” He smiled. “I love you more than anything in the world. These past five years we’ve been together have been the greatest of my life.” He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a little silver box shaped like a heart. My breath caught in my throat and I stared at him with wide eyes.

“Peyton Ember Davis, will you please do me the honor of being my wife?”
He opened the box to reveal a gorgeous black diamond ring.
I couldn’t breath, my eyes became watery and a smile slowly crept over my face as I took in everything that he just said to me.

My eyes went even wider with disbelief and I shouted a ‘yes’ that made everyone in the quiet back room stare.
He laughed, put the ring on my finger and stood up to come to my side of the table and engulf me in a hug that made the air leave my chest for the third time in two minutes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Random ending. I know. I promise, the next one will most likely be better. Comments please?